Topic: Fireface UC Ableton Mac - Recording problems


MacBook Pro 2017 - BigSur 11.6
Ableton 11.2.6
Fireface UC - driver v3.28

Having a lot of problems with jitter/dropouts - while browsing web (safari) and in Ableton
Recording has become impossible. Jitter and the freezes . Have to restart laptop.

have checked USB cable/HUB

tried reinstalling driver. updated Ableton to newest.
I was working fine for a year since I got UC, but then one day isn't.

please help


Re: Fireface UC Ableton Mac - Recording problems

Did you make any changes to the system? Have you tried all available USB ports?
Is anything else connected?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Fireface UC Ableton Mac - Recording problems

tried all USB ports. nothing else connected.
no changed to system I can think of

Re: Fireface UC Ableton Mac - Recording problems

I have seen this issue with an RME user after a DAW update Cubase, makes me believe its system 3rd party issue,

Another possibility is when you use a different interface then re use the Fireface for some reason it stops the Fireface drivers from kicking in again until a reboot or and a reinstall of the drivers

Re: Fireface UC Ableton Mac - Recording problems

I've actually managed to resolve the issue.
I updated from BigSur to Monterey
I also got a USB C to B cable (bypassing my USB hub)
which is a pain as MacBook only has 2 USB C slots but...

it's all working great now!!