1 (edited by GMB 2022-11-11 23:50:11)

Topic: Simultaneously connect Mac and iPad to Fireface UFX?

I use a fireface UFX+ as my audio interface for my Mac.

I have a Focusrite iTrack Dock that I use for an ipad and use the ins and outs via regular 1/4" jacks into the fireface.  I use it for effects or various synths like animoog.

But the Focusrite is starting to fail. I fixed it once before - the connector to the thunderbolt interface is really fragile and problematic. Probably why they stopped making these and I really don't want to try to fix it again. 

When I google for the latest ipad audio interfaces to replace it, RME keeps coming up.   

So can I use my existing RME interface somehow? Is there a way to connect an ipad to the RME using USB and have the channels show up in Totalmix as inputs and sends?  (I only need stereo i/o)

Otherwise, I suppose I have to get something like a 2 channel focusrite or tascam to replace the dock and stick with the 1/4 cables.


UFX+, Reaper, Ableton, Mac, Drummer, Modular, Norns/PiSound/Organelle....


Re: Simultaneously connect Mac and iPad to Fireface UFX?

The Focusrite iTrack Dock has Lightning, not Thunderbolt.

The iOS operation of the UFX+ is easy and described in detail in its manual.

When used with an iPad there is no connection to the computer, so no channels are available in TM FX at all. There is TM FX for the iPad, using that one full control via the iPad (and I/Os) will be available.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Simultaneously connect Mac and iPad to Fireface UFX?

Thank you MC, but I'm not sure I fully understand.

I don't want to control the RME from the ipad.

I want to add its stereo ins and outs to my RME channels, similar to if I added an ADAT interface or Ferrofish for additional channel inputs. 

is that possible? 


UFX+, Reaper, Ableton, Mac, Drummer, Modular, Norns/PiSound/Organelle....


Re: Simultaneously connect Mac and iPad to Fireface UFX?

No, that's not possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Simultaneously connect Mac and iPad to Fireface UFX?

Thank you Matthias.  It could be a great feature.  I use a whole slew of ios effects like Eventide Black Hole and it would be great to have a way to do IO without another interface. 

A more practical use would be if you were doing house sound and were walking around with totalmix remote, you could play music on your ipad through the system.


UFX+, Reaper, Ableton, Mac, Drummer, Modular, Norns/PiSound/Organelle....