Topic: Minimum Macintosh requirements for UFX II?

Before purchase just wanted to ask what the minimum software and hardware requirements would be for a Macintosh (MacBook Pro).  As best I can see, one needs to be running at least system 11, and I don't see any particular hardware requirements, other than that the computer is able to run at least system 11.  And that, of course, one have USB ports!

Re: Minimum Macintosh requirements for UFX II?

Any recent Mac will support it from the hardware perspective, and the minimum OS version is 10.9 from 2013.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by sawsinepulse 2022-11-15 21:51:51)

Re: Minimum Macintosh requirements for UFX II?

Jeff wrote:

Any recent Mac will support it from the hardware perspective, and the minimum OS version is 10.9 from 2013.

Thanks!  I have a 2015 MacBook Pro 13" with an i5 processor and 8GB memory. I actually ended up writing RME support as well and they said it should be fine...