Topic: latency using external hardware units


I have a babyface pro and was thinking of either adding a adat-I/O unit to use externa hardware compressors and such or buy a new RME fireface ucx II to use in this setup.The thing is I am playing e-drums through drum software and I am really sensitive to latency. Right now I play at a buffer size of 96 and I get som pops and craks when using to cpu heavy plugins. Is the the set up using external hardware mostly for mixing and mastering or is the latency going DA/effects/AD good enough for tracking drums as well?


Re: latency using external hardware units

I play edrums and use a Behringer ada8200. If you are going to feed audio from your ekit into separate channels then you don’t get latency doing that. I use mine with sd3 and for playing I used to use 64 size buffers but even at 128 buffers it’s only 3ms latency and I can’t really tell the difference. What will introduce latency is if you go through a DAW and add effects

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.