Topic: Buffer size 128

Hi smile
I used to use 128 buffer size without any problem on my UCX II
Last week, Cubase didn't play any sound anymore until I change the buffer size to 256 or highest for the same project that was works fine with 128 and 96 / 64 buffer size!
Any suggestions?

Re: Buffer size 128

Cold reboot? I have no idea why but that is the only thing that helped in the past with this, that 1 buffersize refuses to work. But have not had the issue for a few years.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by ANAFREE 2022-11-29 15:14:39)

Re: Buffer size 128

vinark wrote:

Cold reboot? I have no idea why but that is the only thing that helped in the past with this, that 1 buffersize refuses to work. But have not had the issue for a few years.

Thank you so much Vinark
I changed my studio desk last week, This means that I rearranged the wires, I don't know in which port I was putting my audio interface... Now I changed the USB port and tested with 128, 96 and 64 and all of them worked without problems : )