1 (edited by Waltong 2022-12-19 07:23:54)

Topic: Interesting Noise out of Left Monitor Only

I have read through many of the threads discussing usb isolators and ground loops etc. I am receiving digital noise, very low db, but high frequency only out of the Left Monitor of my HS8's.

  • It doesn't matter if I swap the XLR out to come from channel 2 or 1, it still only affects the left monitor.

  • It doesn't matter what the individual Monitor's knob level is set at Min or Max. The noise is still present at the same dB (no change).

  • The noise seems to become present when the ASIO driver is activated by a Software program (Studio One, Pigments, Kontakt, etc).

  • The headphone out 3/4 has no noise out of the left or right channel.

And the real kicker... If I plug the BF Pro into the laptop that is sitting on the same desk and setup, there is no noise coming out of the Left Monitor.

This is only happening on the dedicated Audio desktop PC. And it makes no sense why the left Monitor is the only one exhibiting the issue no matter which cable or output of the BF Pro it is plugged into when running the BF Pro from the desktop PC.

I'm thinking this is some weird RF interference or EMI issue related to the physical relationship of the Desktop PC and the Left Monitor.

I'm using a Furman power conditioner with Linear Filtering. The physical location I'm at does not have grounded outlets.

Anyone's thoughts?

*Update* If I separate the Desktop PC to another power outlet, the noise disappears from the left monitor. Clearly there is some interaction going on the same electrical circuit with the Desktop PC and Left Monitor. Still doesn't explain why the Right Monitor doesn't exhibit the same symptoms or that the Laptop which is also plugged into the Furman doesn't exhibit the same symptoms.


Re: Interesting Noise out of Left Monitor Only

This is a simple ground loop, and the right monitor might not have a power supply or a different grounding.

Matthias Carstens