Topic: Limits on Mac?? (Software playback)


Now I'm using Windows with my RME interfaces (UFX+)

In my case, I'm using it for the music production and live streaming

Ofc I'm using the loopback for the streaming.

Recently I just noticed that I can't use some functions on Mac.

for example, I'm using more than 4 hardware outputs with my audio interface, and I control the each sounds of programs in software playback tab.

Like "Speaker-70%volume of desktop sound, 100% of DAW, 30% of Discord, 50% of Zoom / Headphone1 - 80%volume of desktop sound, 50% of DAW, 10% of Discord, 20% of Zoom"

IT's really useful when I stream my live performances and I always control all the sources via Totalmix.

But in Mac, I noticed that all the sound sources are merged in AN 1/2 channel(software playback, the middle layer of Totalmix)
The sources of DAW, Desktop, Discor, Zoom are just controlled in 1 channel.
Ofc I can control the volume in the each programs, but IT's not perfect.

ANd also for the loopback, just noticed that OBS never recognize the each inputs, it just shows "Fireface UFX+.

So I can't use the loopback function when I use OBS in Mac. And just saw that people are using Blackhole and Ladiocast for the loopback even they're using RME. IF so, there are no reasons to use this super RME for the Streaming.(ofc, I really love the sound of RME)

IF there are any ways that I can solve, give me some comments plz.

Re: Limits on Mac?? (Software playback)

Open up Audio-MIDI-Settings in macOS applications > utilities folder and check there, if all the audio channels of the UFX+ are active.
But anyway, in macOS many apps (Finder, Safari and other browsers…) use output channels 1-2 by default. In specific audio apps like DAWs or editors often it’s easy to select other outputs but not in apps as mentioned before.
I don’t know how it works in Windows, where do you select what output channels a specific app should use from a multichannel device like the UFX+?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Limits on Mac?? (Software playback)

Under Windows, it depends on the application.
Easiest, if the application supports ASIO.
But if not, then it depends on whether you can use one of the created WDM devices or whether it supports only the default sound or input device.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13