Topic: Latency with Fireface UFX+`
Hi there, my apologies in advance if this sort of thing has been answered before, I couldn't find anything in search that was related so...
I just got an RME Fireface UFX+. It's drastic overkill in terms of specs for what I'm doing but I got a reasonably good deal and I was looking for my "forever" audio interface. Anyway, I"m replacing a MOTU 828 Mark2 that is nearly 20 years old and is occasionally glitchy and showing the signs of being it's age so decided to go with the UFX+. After getting everything set up and I give it a test drive and while I find the preamps and overall sound quality to be seemingly superior, it requires double the sample buffers to keep from glitching with VST plugins than my MOTU did. I have it connected through a USB 3 connection (as opposed to firewire for the MOTU) and in order to play VSTs without CPU issues, I have to be at DOUBLE the latency of the MOTU! I ended up going back to MOTU just to confirm, I can get away with 128 samples buffered without glitches compared to 256 for the UFX+.
So my question is: Am I doing something wrong or is this just a firewire vs. USB 3 thing? Should I try getting a thunderbolt card to deal with this? I've shied away from USB in the past because I had similar results but after reading several glowing reviews about RME stuff I thought that going USB 3 would be the next logical step. Below are my PC specs:
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
Any tips or help is appreciated.