Topic: Much higher CPU usage in Ableton using RME Fireface VS Mac Speakers
Hey Guys,
I was hoping someone could help me out with this..
In my live performance set, if I select "Macbook Pro Speakers" as my audio output device, the average CPU meter will fall in the 30% range. However, if I select "Fireface UC Mac" as the audio output device, the average CPU meter will rise into the 40-45% range!
-I only have selected the Ins and Outs that I use.
-I have updated the Fireface driver and flash.
Shouldn't this be the other way round? or at least have a little less CPU usage with the audio interface selected?
Using MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
MacOS Monterey v. 12.2
The interface is connected to my Mac through a USB A to USB C converter.
Thanks for your help!