1 (edited by Viennacalling 2023-02-08 09:45:51)

Topic: Frage zu MacOS Digicheck NG und Adi-2 Pro

Nachdem mich am Spectralanalyzer peak hold beim Musikhören interessiert,  dachte ich, einfach am Mac Digicheck NG installieren und danach Qobuz vom Mac per USB zum Adi-2 Pro schicken.

Nun zeigt aber der Spektral-Analyzer gar nichts an.

In der Statusleiste oben steht aber: DigiCheck NG - prozessing active: Adi-2 Pro - 96.0k
Am RME kommen die Daten auch an.

Was muss man da aktivieren, dass der Spektral-Analyzer am Mac Daten anzeigt? - Danke
Vermutlich ein klassischer Anfängerfehler.

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs

2 (edited by waedi 2023-02-08 11:31:18)

Re: Frage zu MacOS Digicheck NG und Adi-2 Pro

ADI-2 Pro has an internal Loopback function !
Page 41 user manual.
Activate it and it will work.
In Digicheck : Right-click onto the analyzer tool and select input channel 1/2.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Frage zu MacOS Digicheck NG und Adi-2 Pro

Sorry, i read page 41 but did not get any additional hint therefore

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: Frage zu MacOS Digicheck NG und Adi-2 Pro

There are different ADI-2 Pros, I was watching into ADI-2 Pro FS BE, my bad.
Please search the pdf for Loopback, Command + F

If your device has no Loopback function then you need a special Loopback software like blackhole.
Digicheck monitors input channels only, and the software player send his audio to output channels only.
A Loopback software has to bring the signal to an input channel.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by Viennacalling 2023-02-09 14:55:25)

Re: Frage zu MacOS Digicheck NG und Adi-2 Pro

Ok loopback is not a function of Adi-2 Pro
Thank you !!!

I tested digicheck because of this information - it would be an option to use digicheck to get peak-hold

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs