Topic: Fireface 802: Can't set buffer size to 64 samples at 96 KHz

Hello all,

I just got a Fireface 802 and I have it connected via USB.

In the Fireface USB Settings window, setting the sample rate to 96,000 Hz, the lowest Buffer Size I can see is 96 samples (which is not compatible with my DAW, so I have to set it to 128 for the DAW to be happy).

I've seen in different posts/sites people mentioning buffer size set to 64 samples with the sample rate at 96,000 Hz on their RME interfaces, which I was able to set with other non RME interfaces I had before. But I can't with the Fireface 802.

Is there something I can do to have 64 samples available here?

Thanks in advance for your help and comments.

RME Fireface 802, Windows 10, Intel Core i9 13900k (chipset Z790), 128GB RAM

2 (edited by ramses 2023-02-14 11:34:48)

Re: Fireface 802: Can't set buffer size to 64 samples at 96 KHz

On Windows? Proposal: put OS and RME interface(s) that you own into your forum signature, thanks.

The USB driver of the 802 has 48 samples as minimum ASIO buffer size at 44.1/48 kHz (single speed).
If you select double speed (88.2/96 kHz) then the buffers also need to be higher (double) to buffer for the same timeframe. While we are at it, with quad speed 4x more.

So, you get instead of 48 sample 96 samples of buffers.

What you tell about the DAW is wrong. You can only select the driver and then define sample rate and bit-depth for the DAW project. The ASIO buffersize is not being set in the DAW, this is being configured in the driver.

I see no reason why you should have any compatibility issue. The driver and the DAW support 96 kHz, that's it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Fireface 802: Can't set buffer size to 64 samples at 96 KHz

ramses wrote:

What you tell about the DAW is wrong. You can only select the driver and then define sample rate and bit-depth for the DAW project. The ASIO buffersize is not being set in the DAW, this is being configured in the driver.

I see no reason why you should have any compatibility issue. The driver and the DAW support 96 kHz, that's it.

Hi Ramses,

Thank you for your reply. I've updated my signature.

Sad to learn about the minimum buffer size for the 802 with ASIO. I used to track with a sample buffer of 64 when at 96 KHz with my previous interfaces. But I must admit the 802 is working with much less issues than those interfaces did, so I'm happy on that front.

Explaining a bit more on what I was mentioning about the DAW:

1) I use Pro Tools. If I start it with the driver set at 96 KHz with a sample buffer of 96, I get an error from Pro Tools stating that the sample buffer is incompatible, and I should choose one of 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096. So, I have to change the buffer size to 128 samples in order for Pro Tools to launch without complaining (because there's no 64 or 32 here).

2) Before this RME interface, I had several Digidesign interfaces, an Avid Mbox, a Focusrite Clarett 8preX and an SSL 2+. With all of them, I was able to go into the Pro Tools audio engine menu and select from there a different sample buffer (64, 128, 256, etc). I didn't need to restart Pro Tools for this to work correctly. However, I'm just learning that with RME (and some other brands like Tascam), for some reason I don't fully understand, you need to set the sample buffer size from the driver configuration app, and then relaunch Pro Tools. Pro Tools will not show other option in the audio engine menu, other than the one it was launched with.

RME Fireface 802, Windows 10, Intel Core i9 13900k (chipset Z790), 128GB RAM

4 (edited by ramses 2023-02-14 12:28:18)

Re: Fireface 802: Can't set buffer size to 64 samples at 96 KHz

>  I've updated my signature.

Thanks, very useful. As a side note, if you bring this down to two or maybe even one line, then you "waste" not so much vertical space. Good for all readers who do not yet have 4k monitors. :-)

> Sad to learn about the minimum buffer size for the 802 with ASIO

Sad? It's not that tragic. You may have missed that the double buffersize at double speed has no negative impact, as with higher sample rates the converter latency decreases and the difference between 64 and 96 samples at double speed is minimum (kind of irrelevant).

Didn't know that Protools is also in this regard "special", oh dear ;-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13