Topic: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

Hello, when I am checking the rear of UFX ii, I see no coaxial (?) inputs/ dedicated Spidif input/output..?

Um, I have SPL Machine Head digital unit that has Spidif in/out.

How can I utilize this in/out with ADAT2 set as Spidif on UFX ii USB setting..?

I am now, currently using AES/EBU for my Genelec digital monitor speakers unfortunately..

Thank you so much in advance,
I am very new to digital connection so please execuse my ignorance.

I simply don't know which cables to purchase, I prefer keep these digital Spidif cables connected. (set and forget)



Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

SPDIF coaxial to optical converter - small and cheap box, easily available. Or use the SDIF to AES cable described in the UFX II manual.

Matthias Carstens

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

Thank you! I checked a few posts mentioning, coaxial to spdif converter <-- but I was skeptical about it, so just wanted a confirmation. Thanks, I fully get it now smile

*Then I just change ADAT 2 setup as SPIDIF on Fireface USB setting app on mac smile


Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

SPDIF coaxial to optical converter - small and cheap box, easily available. Or use the SDIF to AES cable described in the UFX II manual.

Hello, I just bought cheap bi-directional toslink-spdif converter.. but.. strange enough, I get the exactly the same sound as source even though my middle Outboard gear is showing good metering of saturation and all (SPL Machine Head). I connected through S/PDIF..

What did I do wrong... here?

Also Totalmix does not show SPDIF channel... but I guess, AES <-- is SPDIF...? because I fed signal on AES channel and SPL Machine Head receives it well. But returning input sounds non-affected....

very odd!


Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

The UFX II has one SPDIF receiver. You can use XLR or optical as input, but not both. That shouldn't be an issue with your use case. SPDIF optical is shown on the AES channel.

But the output is an issue. As mentioned in the manual there is one SPDIF transmitter, AES and SPDIF optical send out the same signal. You need to monitor on a different output. Try phones to check how it could work.

Matthias Carstens

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

The UFX II has one SPDIF receiver. You can use XLR or optical as input, but not both. That shouldn't be an issue with your use case. SPDIF optical is shown on the AES channel.

But the output is an issue. As mentioned in the manual there is one SPDIF transmitter, AES and SPDIF optical send out the same signal. You need to monitor on a different output. Try phones to check how it could work.

Ok. Thanks, so.. I am still confused.
Never mind about, AES/EBU connection to Genelec SAM monitors for now.

Lets say, I would like to connect my Spdif in/out of SPL gear through ADAT 2 in/out (I will not power on my Genelec and monitor it through my Headphone, let me say for instance)

So.. this setup, as you recommending, check with my phone? what do you mean?

I was checking AES in through my 600 HD headphone, but the sounded the same...

Um... I am still very confused.. haha.. sorry for my ignorance.

I will draw a rough diagram here!

ADAT 2 out (ufx ii) ---> ADAT (Toslink) In of bi-directional toslink-spidif converter/splitter
Spdif (Coax) Out ---< Spdif In of SPL Machine Head
Spdif Out of SPL Machine Head ---> Spdif (Coax) In of bi-directional toslink-spidif converter/splitter
ADAT (Toslink) Out of bi-directional toslink-spidif converter/splitter ---> ADAT 2 In (ufx ii)

And, I set,
Optical in 2 : Spdif
Opitcal out 2 : Spdif
Clock source: AES(?) I think I did, but perhaps I shall try 'internal'

So here, I get 'the same' sound.

What other converter? or adaptor? will I need to get this setup working...perhaps...?

Would it be possible..?
I really hope to find a solution.

So at least, I can keep AES/EBU cables connected to my Monitors and also use my left-over ADAT 2 in/out with Spidif connection and utilize my SPL Machine Head outboard gear.

Thank you so much in advance!

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

The UFX II has one SPDIF receiver. You can use XLR or optical as input, but not both. That shouldn't be an issue with your use case. SPDIF optical is shown on the AES channel.

But the output is an issue. As mentioned in the manual there is one SPDIF transmitter, AES and SPDIF optical send out the same signal. You need to monitor on a different output. Try phones to check how it could work.

Oh also, SPDIF optical <-- this is not shown on AES channel of TotalMix (I am on mac) still analog channels and all ADAT 1 to 16 and no SPDIF.

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

It’s called AS and would be the adat 1/2

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

mkok wrote:

It’s called AS and would be the adat 1/2

I do not see AS on my Totalmix.. nor adat 1/2...?

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

mkok wrote:

It’s called AS and would be the adat 1/2

Also, no matter how I change within the USB setting option, total mix channel naming does not change?
for e.g. like I do not get AS 1/2...? I don't see Spidif related channels at all.

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

Maybe spend some quality time with the manual?
It really is a worthwile investment:)

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

ebmmbongo wrote:

Maybe spend some quality time with the manual?
It really is a worthwile investment:)

Just read Spdif related sections but still I am confused. I am sorry to be so loud about this..
But I see no SPDIF channel at all on my Totalmix.
Feeling that, since spdif and aes do not work independently on ufx interfaces.
I will treat AES out as spdif out?

But I cannot find Spdif In channel. They say, AS 1/2 but I also do not see that at all.
I will have look deeper inside manual! But I find it not so much straight forward for a newbie like me.

Good news is: Sending signal works perfect through that Coaxial Spidif - Toslink converter/splitter adaptor I bought.
Bad news is: I am only getting exactly the same sound on AES in channel.. *Not affected at all sound, but metering on the gear shows clear saturation level..

(Also connected Spdif out to Spdif coaxial in of that cheap converter, but it sounds unaffected and the same as original)


Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

The manual did not say AS1/2. It is 'AES' all the time and won't change.

If sound through the external device is not changed then it is in bypass mode or set to dry 100%...

Matthias Carstens

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

The manual did not say AS1/2. It is 'AES' all the time and won't change.

If sound through the external device is not changed then it is in bypass mode or set to dry 100%...

actually the device is very simple one. either active button is engaged or not pressed. but I hear the same sound. (SPL Machine Head)

With AES cables it worked perfectly.

Maybe I bought wrong converter..? I got one you have sort of suggested. A low priced bi-directional spdif - toslink that has also input switch (coax or toslink).

So, input <-- it is also AES hardware input channel right...? for me it is. And I hear zero affected sound.

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

The manual did not say AS1/2. It is 'AES' all the time and won't change.

If sound through the external device is not changed then it is in bypass mode or set to dry 100%...

So my hunch is that:

ADAT out - to Spdif out - Spdif in of Outboard <----- till here, it seems to work perfectly.

But that little bi-directional converter seems, to do only that, and does not get affected Spdif out from Outboard and return that 'sound' to it then send it back to UFX ii but rather, only does one conversion.

Maybe I should buy another one for return....?

Do I make sense sorry!

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

The manual did not say AS1/2. It is 'AES' all the time and won't change.

If sound through the external device is not changed then it is in bypass mode or set to dry 100%...

Sorry to write again, that little bi-directional converter has only one switch, either Toslink OR Spdif, I guess that is for input.

Shall I buy TWO of these to work it correct then...? (but the converter clearly stated BI-DIRECTIONAL)

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

MC wrote:

SPDIF coaxial to optical converter - small and cheap box, easily available. Or use the SDIF to AES cable described in the UFX II manual.

Oh....... oh.......... I think...... I need 2 of these right to make it work and get Spdif out from SPL Machine head (outboard gear).
And switch the 2nd one's input to Coax..

'SPDIF coaxial to optical converter'

So for out: Optical to SPDIF coaxial (input switch: toslink)

and for in : SPDIF coaxial to Optical (input switch: coax) <-- this goes back into ADAT 2 of ufx ii (set as Spdif)

I think this would solve it..?
So at first, did you recommended using 2 of those.. if you did.. I was foolish..

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

I've purchased another converter, and as said above, I set it and now it is working good smile

As you have described, I see that I cannot monitor through my Genelec monitors because UFX ii only either does 'one' digital connection at a time, so for now I am monitoring through my phone.

Also I understand now, AES <-- naming stays the same smile

Um, one last thing here,
what setting is correct on:
AES Format: Professional or Consumer (for Spdif?)

Also Clock source, what would be the best option for steadyness?
Shall I just keep it 'internal'?


I am getting good healthy signal to AES input now.

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

I do get a little frequent popping clippy click sound time to time, maybe bad clock source setup..?

Re: How do you connect, Spdif Coaxial cable into UFX ii digitally?

Don't worry about this post. I decided to return Spdif cables + Toslink-Coaxial converters. Just having too many variables causing drop-outs and clicks. Too many random clicks being recorded.. unfortunately.

I am sure this is not UFX ii's issue. Just, unstable low budget converters and Spdif connection I guess.

With AES/EBU connection, zero pop/clicks. I will just stick with AES smile