Topic: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

I am using a digiface USB on a windows 10 machine, firmware and driver up to date (HW revision 35, driver v0.9808).
Internal clock, no WDM device, totalMix unchecked.

The problem I have is that sometimes the sample rate drop down menu on the RME configuration windows is greyed out and cannot be changed, even when the asio device is supposed to be closed and not used by any other software (all other software closed and/or reaper stopped and stating "audio device closed"). The solution I have found so far is to unplug/plug the digiface to make the sample rate drop menu available again. Restarting the computer also works.

When this happens the sample rate can still be changed by other programs such as reaper, and this is correctly reflected in the greyed out drop down menu. It just cannot be changed from that menu anymore, even after closing and reopening the configuration window.
Normally that menu is only greyed out when the device is actually in use (eg reaper playing), and once stopped is tends to stay greyed out a bit, but gets activated again when interacting with the configuration window.
I have been using that menu a lot for testing purposes (audio development), changing sample rate when the device is closed and also changing buffer size on the fly even when the device is in use (which sometimes does not plays nice, but is so convenient when it does...).

Any clue on what is happening and what the solution might be?

ADI-2, Digiface USB


Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

Some app is not releasing the ASIO driver on stop....

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by pos 2023-03-10 09:26:39)

Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your response.

The only app using ASIO was Reaper, and the situation remained even after the app was closed with no associated process running. It is currently the case for example: all apps are closed, but the menu is still disabled.

Is there a tool I can use to check or alter the status of the ASIO driver, like seeing what process is keeping the driver open, or manually force it to restart?

ADI-2, Digiface USB

4 (edited by pos 2023-03-10 09:36:47)

Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

As a complement, in this situation I can also run another app using the ASIO driver (eg a stand alone JUCE app) and use it, changing sample rate and all.
It looks like the RME configuration window (MADIface Series Settings) is stuck but other apps can still use and configure the driver.
I tried killing the RME process in the task manager and restarting it from an app, but the problem remains.

ADI-2, Digiface USB

Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

Have you checked the JUCE app in services as well as apps and killed that? Does JUCE auto start?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

6 (edited by pos 2023-03-10 10:22:56)

Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

I just tested the JUCE app to see if it can change the sample rate, and indeed it can. Once closed no process or service remains, but the menu is still disabled.

When the MADIface Series Setting window is in this state I can still run Reaper, a JUCE app, REW, or any ASIO capable software and change the sample rate from there. The new sample rate even shows in the greyed out menu. I just cannot change it from there unless I unplug the digiface and plug it back...

ADI-2, Digiface USB

Re: Digiface USB, unable to change sample rate

I have a similar behaviour, using HDSPE Madi, and Sequoia. Sometimes I also have the greyed out samplerate in the driver settings, even when Sequoia is closed.
Only a PC restart helps, or changing the samplerate from inside Sequoia by loading an appropriate 48kHz file, or 96kHz.
But sometimes is works perfectly.