Topic: MYTEK 8x192 with DIGIFACE USB

Hello dear RME Forum,

I have a question regarding the following situation:

I would like to run a MYTEK 8x192 converter with an RME DIGIFACE USB.

The connection should be made via ADAT I/O on both sides.

Since the MYTEK 8x192 has a headphone output as well as the DIGIFACE USB, I would like to know if both headphone outputs can be used simultaneously in this consellation?

The MYTEK 8x192 has a stereo monitor OUT, can I still use this as a monitor out in this constellation and adjust it via the MYTEK output control.

I would be very grateful if you could share your experiences with me.

I would like to use 2x headphones without an additional device and at least 1 pair of monitors, as a controller I could alternatively imagine an RME ARC.

I would be very pleased about further suggestions.

Thank you very much in advance.


Yes, the headphone output on the Digiface USB has its own channels (going to DA-converters), it’s separate from all the ADAT channels. Of course you have to do the right routings within Totalmix…

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2