1 (edited by rpnfan 2023-06-15 09:54:53)

Topic: Channel imbalance in output

I have a mic channel copied to the second channel. So both stereo channels have exactly the same signal. This works. When I feed that signal to an output the signal does _not_ have the same level, but shows a difference between about 1dB up to sometimes a few dB.

What is going wrong here? S/W or H/W problem or something else? In another thread I found that this could be an initialization problem which turning the Pad on and off would fix. This was not the case for me unfortunately and the problem persists.

P.S.: I checked that no EQ is applied or other options which could affect the output balance.

Re: Channel imbalance in output

Can you post a screenshot of your TotalMix window please?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Channel imbalance in output

I tried uploading an image, but the forum software does not seem to allow that!

I needed to upload that elsewhere :-/


Re: Channel imbalance in output

What’s that signal on instrument input 3/4 left channel?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

5 (edited by rpnfan 2023-06-14 22:38:19)

Re: Channel imbalance in output

Good catch, I did not even notice. I leave the 6.3 mm cable typically connected to input 3, even when no instrument (guitar/ bass) is connected. But input 3 should not be the cause, because it was not in the mix of the two output channels. To double check I unplugged now the cable and indeed the problem remains. I tested a few things and it seems to be related to the Balance-knob of AN1/2.


Re: Channel imbalance in output


Maybe "LoopBack" is enabled on your Main(AN1+2) Outputs?
Could you, also, upload a Matrix View image, so we can check?

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632


Re: Channel imbalance in output

Store your workspace. Then use Total Reset and rebuild it, starting with the issue itself (Mic in copy mode to phones and Main Out). If that works then the above state was either corrupted or had hidden settings that changed the routing gains.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by rpnfan 2023-06-15 09:55:41)

Re: Channel imbalance in output

Thanks for the answers. I am now using another system (I change between two systems) and found that with the mobile system, now using TM 1.75 (the problem was with 1.81 and 1.83) there is no such imbalance. I can test the suggested fix later on my main system and will report.


Re: Channel imbalance in output

MC wrote:

Store your workspace. Then use Total Reset and rebuild it, starting with the issue itself (Mic in copy mode to phones and Main Out). If that works then the above state was either corrupted or had hidden settings that changed the routing gains.

I have used 'Total Reset' and just enabled the mic for the two channels and mixed that to one output channel. The problem remains. I do not understand this. I was checking also if some other settings in Windows 11 could be the cause of the problem, but do not see any. I made sure all automatic audio enhancements from Windows are disabled as well. No change.

The system where I see no problem uses Windows 10, in case that matters possibly!?

P.S.: The matrix view shows now the default settings after a total reset, so that should also not be a problem.

Re: Channel imbalance in output

What's the firmware and driver version here?

Daniel Fuchs

11 (edited by rpnfan 2023-06-15 18:37:08)

Re: Channel imbalance in output

System is:
Babyface Pro FS with AKM chip, Hardware revision 203

Problematic system: Driver version 1.245 on Windows 11

System without problems: Driver version 1.219 on Windows 10

I have tested further on the problem system. When I do not copy AN1 to AN2 but just use the mic in AN1 and set the balance to (0) middle everything is fine and both channels show the same level in the output. Why the AN1→2 works without touching the channel balance on the other system is still a mystery to me.


Re: Channel imbalance in output

rpnfan wrote:

System is:
Babyface Pro FS with AKM chip, Hardware revision 203

Problematic system: Driver version 1.245 on Windows 11

Same here - but can not reproduce.

Matthias Carstens

13 (edited by rpnfan 2023-06-18 19:16:21)

Re: Channel imbalance in output

Mmhh, I had stored the problemetic workspace and just reloaded it to try again. Now everything works fine... Really strange!