Topic: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

Hi everyone!

So I am using a MADIface XT which receives MTC (Midi Timecode) by using MIDI-over-MADI from a Directout Prodigy. Everything here works fine, the Prodigy is sending the correct MTC and I receive it on the Laptop with the MADIface XT, it appears at one of the four MIDI Inputs (though the logic which input port it is still isn't quite clear to me, but it always works after trying out multiple MIDI inputs).

Now I would like to route that MIDI signal to another MADIface XT. So the chain is:

Prodigy - (optical MADI) -> MADIface XT - (optical MADI) -> MADIface XT.

Is there a way of outputting that MIDI-over-MADI to another interface? So far all my attempts have been unsuccessful. Or is it just not possible? In that case, would it somehow be possible to output that MIDI signal using the physical MIDI port and connecting it to the MIDI input port of the second MADIface XT? So using something like this?

Prodigy - (optical MADI) -> MADIface XT MIDI Out -> MADIface XT MIDI In

Are there any specific settings that need to be set for this to work or is it simply impossible? All my attempts have failed so far.
Appreciate any help, thanks!

Re: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

If possible you can daisy chain the MADI from the two XT's. Or maybe a Midi Network will work as well:

Audio AG Support

Re: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

Audio AG Support wrote:

If possible you can daisy chain the MADI from the two XT's. Or maybe a Midi Network will work as well:

Hi! Thanks for the info the die MIDI network, I didn't know about that and it seems super interesting. Will check that out sometime!
For now though: so you're saying I should just do

Prodigy -> MADIface XT -> MADIface XT using optical MADI for all connections,

right? That's basically what I tried but I couldn't get it to work. Is the MIDI sent over a specific channel or additional bits in the MADI stream, that I need to route in Totalmix, or is there a MIDI setting thing that I need to activate to get this to work?

Re: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

Sorry, I made a mistake. The MADIface XT is not bittransperant as most converters are. So the Midi will not be passed in a daisy chain of two XT's. That's why it is not working with daisy chained MADI.
The old MADI Bridge or MADIrouter are bittransperant for distributing MADI signals. Or you try to make something with a Midi Merger and midi through, but I'm not familiar with them.

Audio AG Support


Re: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

The word 'bit transparent' might be a bit (!) misleading in this context. The MADI audio itself is definitely '24 bit tranparent'. But there is no MIDI Through function.

Matthias Carstens

Re: MADIface XT receiving MIDI-over-MADI. How to output/route the MIDI?

I see, that’s very unfortunate. Is there a way of grabbing the midi timecode that is transmitted via MADI by using the physical MIDI outputs of the MADIface XT? To at least connect the second interface using an actual MIDI cable?