Topic: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

Good afternoon to all,
Recently I have became an owner of RME Babyface Pro FS.

But I have a question regarding the Jumper which is positioned on the back side on the audio interface.

Can you please tell me what is the best set up for my monitors Yamaha HS8, because it is written in the manual that the set up for 4db+ is only for sensitive monitors?

Can you please tell me if my monitors in that category of 4db+?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

2 (edited by ramses 2023-08-20 13:21:38)

Re: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

Hello Slavko.

Active monitors typically exhibit high loudness levels and, in most instances, lack a dedicated volume control. Occasionally, they may incorporate a DIP switch to reduce input sensitivity, thereby adjusting the final volume.

As a result, certain settings at the analogue output of the recording device and analogue input are necessary to prevent excessive loudness when the levels in TotalMix FX of "Main Out" are set to 0dB (= max digital level, perhaps "by accident").

Generally spoken: the ultimate loudness is contingent on the chosen output and input reference levels (on recording interface and active monitor.) the amplifier potency within the active monitor, and the speaker's efficiency.

The objective for your setup is to circumvent the need to set "Main Out" within TotalMix FX to levels such as -30 or -40 because too low levels in the digital domain might have an impact on sound quality. Additionally, if the level mismatches are too high, then you might get bad surprises, if you accidentally turn the volume to 0dB.

In your Yamaha monitors, you possess the capability to diminish the active monitor inputs by adjusting the level towards "minimum" (turning the knob leftward). Conversely, rotating it to the right would augment sensitivity, accommodating even weaker signals (such as consumer-level inputs) to attain appropriate levels.

Subsequently, I recommend configuring the output level on the BBF Pro to +4 dB. This is because an elevated reference level would correspondingly result in heightened output volume. In contrast, a lower reference level would yield reduced volume. Is this clear thus far?

These actions are all undertaken with the intention of averting any inadvertent auditory discomfort (or potential damage) arising from a 0dB setting in TotalMix FX.

Should the volume remain excessive even at a 0dB setting in TM FX, employing additional tools is necessary to rectify the "level mismatch" issue. This predicament is elaborated upon in a prominently featured post authored by MC within the RME forum. You can access the details here:

For addressing this discrepancy, neutral-sounding attenuators are recommended. Furthermore, there are affordably priced, well-designed switchable attenuators available.
One such model that I suggest is the following:
You plug it best at the input of your active monitor.

On a related note, investing in pricier attenuators from Shure does not appear advantageous. This topic has already been deliberated within the forum, and RME (MC) confirmed the tonal neutrality of both options. Therefore, selecting the more costly variant doesn't yield any added benefits. Both products exhibit a solid build quality.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

Thanks for the reply, I already set my BBF pro to +4 but my HS8s are also set to +4 volume, should I leave them like that or should I go to the max at +10, if our BBF is +4 and the monitors are on max +10 plays louder and I don't hear distortion, it's great, how is it best, will it open the amplifier better if it's on max

4 (edited by ramses 2023-08-20 17:01:59)

Re: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

Still unclear?

OK, so you set on BBF Pro the analogue outputs (for "main out")  to a lower ref level of +4 dBu.
This makes it more silent.

But it might still be too loud when listening to music, if you move the output fader in TM FX towards 0dB.
If this is the case, the next step is to make the inputs of your active monitors less sensitive.

On your active monitor: I think you need to turn the knob to the left to make the inputs more insensitive so that the output volume decreases:

IF it is now still too loud if you move the output fader in TM FX to 0dB, then you still have a level mismatch and protect your ears and equipment by additionally using attenuators.

Otherwise, it might happen, that your volume settings change in TM FX of all sudden from -30 to 0 dB and this can become extremely loud in a case of bad luck, this we want to prevent.
We need to configure it in a way, that even 0 dB setting of the output fader in TM FX does not lead to volume levels that "nuke" your ears and/or equipment.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by davidlaijiajun 2023-08-21 12:59:01)

Re: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

I keep my switch to +19DB on the Babyface, and use the main output wheel as my volume knob. My monitors (KRK Rokit5 G4) is set to 0.0 DB on the display, so I never move the knobs in the back of the monitors. Now I can get a good healthy output from the babyface that still allows me to control the loud and soft of the volume. Perhaps you can give that a try?

6 (edited by ramses 2023-08-21 06:11:09)

Re: RME Babyface Pro FS | +4db or +19 db| Jumper Set Up

The Point here is to get a good setting 1st where you have no volume mismatch to "survive" 0dB volume setting in TM FX.

So that things like this do not happen, e.g.: … 47#p136247 … 20#p148120 … 98#p172598

Once you have a good basic setting without level mismatch, that even 0 dB setting in TM FX on the output "does not hurt".
Then you have no issues with music being too loud or "too loud power on crackling".
Side information, only UCX II, 802, UFX* (all flagship interfaces) have dampening of power on crackling on all analogue outputs, all other interfaces only on the headphone outputs.
You can see it also in my Excel, line 93:

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13