1 (edited by jaanavarro128 2023-09-24 17:00:41)

Topic: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

Writing this post to traceback the issue.

I was doing some casual listening on headphones (through a headphone amp routed out of AN5/6) using Apple Music running on macOS 13.5.2 (Ventura) arm64 and:
- RME driver version DK408-2,
- RME SW Version 4, and
- RME TotalMix FX version 1.83 macOS (1).

HW is a MacBook Pro 16" 2021 running an M1 Pro chip.

A set of simple, short, and regular pulses started coming out of software out 1-2 - presumably off the OS, but I have never heard these sounds in my year owning this computer. The pulses were pretty much staccato in length (~30ms) and occurred at about 350-500ms intervals. Each pulse has two fundamentals in the midrange - G and C, zero to one octaves below middle C.

The routing was as follows: OS -> RME SW AN 1-2 -> RME OUT AN 5-6 -> headphone amp -> headphones. Unsurprisingly, any outputs routed from RME SW AN 1-2 also had the pulses in them.

The pulses only happen when I play systemwide audio and stop when I stop playing any audio.

Disconnecting and reconnecting the UFX III temporarily solved the issue; however, I am uncertain that the pulses will never be back again. I am unable to reproduce the issue at will and will attempt to record the pulses should they crop up again. RME support is not available in my country.

Re: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

If this peeps are a system warning signal from MacOS you can silence it with the volumen slider in the system preferences - audio

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by jaanavarro128 2023-09-25 02:48:08)

Re: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

I'll try this when the problem occurs again - it's a good way to eliminate either the UFX or the OS as the source of the problem.

Re: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

Exactly !
May I ask what country this is ? curious !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by jaanavarro128 2023-09-25 02:47:35)

Re: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

waedi wrote:

Exactly !
May I ask what country this is ? curious !

The Philippines - this might as well be one of the first ever UFX III units in the archipelago, heh. The unit was ordered directly from Germany.

6 (edited by waedi 2023-09-25 06:46:07)

Re: Fireface UFX III (3) - pulsing/beeping noises - unable to trace source

Oh wonderful !
Welcome to the forum by the way !
At least you have internet and access to this support portal.
Greetings from Zürich to the Philippines ! We love your islands !


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue