Topic: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

Good Day,

I'm having an issue with my RME Fireface UFX II. I have installed all drivers and softwares up to date, uninstalled them, and reinstalled them all over again. In TotalMix I am clearly getting signal to analog 1/2. My monitors are connected to those outputs. I am however not getting any audio output from the unit at all. I have conducted total resets countless times at this point. I've switched cables (USB, XLR) all to no avail. I've read in a few forums where changing the internal power supply helped. I ordered and replaced the power supply and the issue remains exactly the same. By the way, this is a brand spanking new unit. At this point, I may have spent 15 hours trying to get sound to my monitors. The TotalMix software seems pretty straightforward but I may be missing something here. If anyone can help it would be tremendously appreciated.

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

A screenshot of Totalmix with playing music would be helpful.
The signal is visible, that is good, let's see how you did routing so far.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

Here's a screenshot of my TotalMix

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

Please try again, the image upload did not work.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

How's This?

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

Yes the screenshot is perfect.
The routing is done correct.
your loudspeakers are connected to the analog outputs 1/2 , right ?

and the loudspeakers are connected to the right socket, XLR analog input, not AES input ?

Have you a headphone for testing the headphone outputs ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

Thanks for your response. The monitors are indeed connected to analog outputs 1/2 via XLR cables. There is also no audio from either of the headphone outputs.

Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

gsteelbk wrote:

There is also no audio from either of the headphone outputs.

There is no audio routed to the headphone outputs on your screenshot.

gsteelbk wrote:

The monitors are indeed connected to analog outputs 1/2 via XLR cables.

Have you already tried to use some of the other analog outputs?

Are you sure there’s all ok with the speakers?
You could do a cable loop test with the UFX II. If you connect the outputs directly back to some analog inputs, are you getting a signal there? Be careful with this test, avoid feedback loops.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: RME Fireface UFX II (No Audio)

The screenshot clearly shows that all analog inputs are dead. Did the unit ever work before? Which firmware versions have been flashed during the update process onto the unit?

Matthias Carstens