elescoses8 wrote:So I need to look for another Couse [Connection] for the problem?
As soon as termed on the ADI-2 DAC FS a banner appeared saying a non audio signal detected and when I touched it I got a shock …
This is a clear evidence you‘re missing a safety ground connection in your system, the main problem is NOT a ground loop.
It‘s impossible to remotely diagnose if and how dangerous the situation is.
Might be just some stray voltage, a static electricity body discharge (do you have new floor carpet?) or a dangerously broken device.
E.g. people‘s sensitivity to the common non-dangerous mains stray currents / voltages varies a lot.
In contrary, if you think something is broken, contact a local electrician to check all your devices for safety.
If you think there’s nothing dangerous, (ONLY THEN!) we can try to analyze the problem.
First and most important:
• For the moment DO NOT use an USB galvanic isolator.
With excessive (stray) mains voltage present in your system, you could break the USB chips of the connected devices.
Let’s isolate the real source of the problem.
• Please describe your configuration, and list the exact models of the devices involved.
• Which country’s mains power system and voltage are you using?
• Does at least one device, preferably the power amp, have a 3-prong mains connector with safety ground?
• Remove all mains power cables from the power strip outlets.
Then remove all interconnect cables, analog and digital audio.
Replug the mains plugs without touching the devices involved, to prevent being shocked again.
Now you can test all devices individually for excessive mains stray voltage.
If the electric shock you experienced was strong, only use an electricians screwdriver with built in neon lamp.
On ADI-2 it will lit dimly when touching a metal part with it’s tip while holding the screwdrivers contact area, that’s OK.
Should not light as bright as when touching the mains outlet.
Wiping across ADI-2 DAC with your finger tips gives a jittery sensation, but no “shock”, that’s OK.
Similar like e.g. on an iPhone’s metal surface, when connected to it’s charger.
• Check the other devices involved the same way.
Final remark:
All exotic stuff like isolators and such can make a situation worse that just needs a simple remedy, a single ground connection.