Topic: UCX EQs active in standalone mode


reading the manual, i understood that Totalmix settings (e.g. routing) can be saved and loaded when starting up in standalone mode. Are previously activated EQs (e.g. lo cut) also active in standalone mode?

Best Regards

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

It should remember also effects. If you have UCX, you may try to save one routing with effects and one without and compare the result in standalone.

If you do not have UCX and needt to know before buying it, I may try it on my one.

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode


i do consider buying a ucx, mainly as an interface for a adi-2 fs.

I am running an 4.1 setup, the 2 front speakers have integrated hi pass (80hz 24db/octave) and integrate nicely with the remaining neumann kh120 / kh750 speaker combo. I would like to upgrade my front speakers and am thinking about using the ucx to lo-cut the signal to them, so i am more flexible with my speaker choice.

It would be super helpful if anyone could confirm, if the eq is also active in standalone mode!

Thanks and kind regards

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode


so could anyone confirm that also the eq settings are active in standalone mode?

kind regards

5 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-05 20:09:41)

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

Sorry, I have forgotten. I am finishing project so no much time till Wednesday. Maybe that someone will test it for you sooner.

And which effects do you need to test. I am pretty sure effects on individual channels are stored and recalled in standalone mode of UFX. I do use few snapshots with FX on individual channels.

I haven't used the ones on master output, yet.

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

Hi Kubrak,

don't worry, it is not urgent, just wanted to bring the thread up again.

I really only need to know if the setting of an eq (hi pass filter) could be saved to a specific output in standalone mode - so for example a stereo pair with filter enabled and another one with the original signal.

Would be great if anyone could confirm this. For me reading the manual it is not 100% clear, if that is the case. I remember my OG Babyface was not able to save filter settings to standalone mode 10+ years ago while it had totalmix.

Thanks and regards

7 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-07 08:26:21)

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

WRONG - vvvvvv
But in case of Babyface it is so, because it does not have FX part implemented on chip. At least it is how I understand it, I do not have BF. And so FX are performed by Totalmix on computer. So, without computer, no FX, so it has no  sense to store it to snapshot for standalone use..... That is my understanding of why.
WRONG - ^^^^^

UCX has FX ability on chip. So, there it has sense to store it for standalone use. But, I will check it for you on my UCX, if it recalls FX settings in standalone.


Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

That is incorrect. The Babyface renders the EQ on a DSP within the FPGA. The Babyface (original) did not support stand-alone operation. The Babyface Pro does, but does not store EQ settings. The UCX can do, it even has 6 setup memory for that specific use case.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UCX EQs active in standalone mode

Hello all,

thanks a lot for clarification, it all makes sense and i am confident that a ucx is a good solution for the task.

kind regards and have a good day!