1 (edited by dijon 2023-10-31 19:17:41)

Topic: UFXII Dropouts using WDM but not ASIO *Solved*

Skip to the end for my solution. Left original message for search.


I've searched this forum quite extensively and was surprised to find these same issues going back years.

I have used my Babyface Pro with zero issues for 12 years and just upgraded to a UFX II. I am experiencing significant dropouts (FIFO errors) when playing WDM audio. Spotify, Foobar 200, VLC etc, all exhibit these errors.

My DAW, using ASIO drivers is flawless.

My system is Windows 11, Asus ZX90P Prime MB with an NVIDIA RTX 3060 Graphics card.

I have enabled mouse trails, turned off mouse hardware acceleration, and disabled that USB port setting in the BIOS but nothing has helped.

I've swapped out USB cables (I'm currently using the one that came with my Babyface Pro that served me for years), and changed ports. I tried all the USB 2.0 ports and even the 3.0 ones.

The fixes I've read about here all sound as useful as burning bundles of herbs and chanting, rather than actual solutions. I'm using very common hardware, if there is a solution from any of these other vendors I'd love to know about it, but their websites don't seem to deal with pro audio, just games, etc.

Thanks in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Edit 10/31/23:

After much gnashing of teeth, this turned out to be entirely the fault of my video drivers. I'd been installing via 'GeForce Experience' which I believe adds a lot of nonsense.

To correct the dropouts via WDM, I did the following 2 things for Windows 11:

1. Install and use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller):
https://www.wagnardsoft.com/display-dri … aller-DDU-

Nothing to add to this, I simply followed the directions to completely remove the current drivers.

2. Install and use NVCleanstall:
https://www.techpowerup.com/download/te … leanstall/

Also, nothing to add. I just did the default install and left all unchecked boxes at the default.

Once this was done, I rebooted and played Spotify, Youtube, VLC, Foobar etc with zero glitches or dropouts.

I hope this helps someone.

Re: UFXII Dropouts using WDM but not ASIO *Solved*

In Fireface Settings Dialog, number of WDM devices is set to how much ?
Try 1 ...?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFXII Dropouts using WDM but not ASIO *Solved*

I have only ever had it set on one output for WDM, AES output (my monitors)