Topic: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

I currently own a Fireface 800 with the ARC [Edit: USB] remote and I am looking to upgrade soon on the UFX II or III.
I would like to get rid of the ARC which I really don't like and wanted to know if there is a possibility to toggle the MUTE and DIM functions directly from the unit. I understand there are no dedicated buttons other than volume but was wondering if there could be a turnaround.
Thank you,

2 (edited by ramses 2023-11-11 11:03:50)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Hi Olivier,
the UFX III allows for remapping of the front keys (33 functions / actions) see manual.

As of today (according to latest manuals) the following RME products support key remapping:
- ADI-2 DAC/Pro reference converter, ADI-2/4 Pro SE
- Digiface AES
- Fireface UCX II
- Fireface UFX III

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Hi Ramses,
Thank you for the super fast reply! Gotta love RME smile
It looks exactly what I wanted. I have just read the manual and it seems Speaker B is not available, is that so? Any chance it could be implemented at some point?

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

olivierarson wrote:

Hi Ramses,
Thank you for the super fast reply! Gotta love RME smile
It looks exactly what I wanted. I have just read the manual and it seems Speaker B is not available, is that so? Any chance it could be implemented at some point?

I am not from RME but sometimes fast wink

Don't understand exactly what you refer to, which product please and do you have a (perhaps manual) reference for that statement?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Gotta love RME's community then smile

I have read the UFX III manual as you pointed and on page 13 it says indeed that they are 33 functions available for remapping but via TotalMix there are even 52 functions available. I am wondering if Speaker B would be included there. I guess but just wanted to be sure!

Remap Keys. OFF, ON. Allows assigning 33 different functions/actions to the four quick select buttons on the device. The configuration is done in the following four entries:

MIC/GAIN, REC/PLAY, CHAN/MIX, SETUP/REV. Available functions/actions:
Default, Setup 1-6, DIM, Recall, Mute Enable, Main Mono, Main Mute, Main Out Low Cut, Main Out EQ, Main Out Dynamics, Main Out AutoLevel, Phones 9/10 Mute, Phones 9/10 Low Cut, Phones 9/10 EQ, Phones 9/10 Dynamics, Phones 9/10 AutoLevel, Phones 11/12 Mute, Phones 11/12 Low Cut, Phones 11/12 EQ, Phones 11/12 Dynamics, Phones 11/12 AutoLevel, Reverb enable, Echo enable, Record*, Play/Pause* Stop*, Previous*, Next*, TotalMix (* DURec func- tions).


Configuration can also be done directly in TotalMix FX, in the ARC & Key Commands dialog. The buttons are labelled A (MIC/GAIN), B (REC/PLAY), C (CHAN/MIX) and D (SETUP/REV) here. Via TotalMix FX there are even 52 different functions/actions available.

6 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-11 12:53:21)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

I cannot answer your question about remapping buttons on interface.... But are you aware that you may use also any MIDI controller?

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Yes I am aware, but I don't want to do that, my experience with ARC is not good and I don't need more clutter on my desk.
Thx anyway!

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

olivierarson wrote:

Gotta love RME's community then smile

I have read the UFX III manual as you pointed and on page 13 it says indeed that they are 33 functions available for remapping but via TotalMix there are even 52 functions available. I am wondering if Speaker B would be included there. I guess but just wanted to be sure!

Remap Keys. OFF, ON. Allows assigning 33 different functions/actions to the four quick select buttons on the device. The configuration is done in the following four entries:

MIC/GAIN, REC/PLAY, CHAN/MIX, SETUP/REV. Available functions/actions:
Default, Setup 1-6, DIM, Recall, Mute Enable, Main Mono, Main Mute, Main Out Low Cut, Main Out EQ, Main Out Dynamics, Main Out AutoLevel, Phones 9/10 Mute, Phones 9/10 Low Cut, Phones 9/10 EQ, Phones 9/10 Dynamics, Phones 9/10 AutoLevel, Phones 11/12 Mute, Phones 11/12 Low Cut, Phones 11/12 EQ, Phones 11/12 Dynamics, Phones 11/12 AutoLevel, Reverb enable, Echo enable, Record*, Play/Pause* Stop*, Previous*, Next*, TotalMix (* DURec func- tions).


Configuration can also be done directly in TotalMix FX, in the ARC & Key Commands dialog. The buttons are labelled A (MIC/GAIN), B (REC/PLAY), C (CHAN/MIX) and D (SETUP/REV) here. Via TotalMix FX there are even 52 different functions/actions available.

You could save the different routings to two different config setups and the load config 1 or 2 by this.
You even can do this with one key if the remapping in the different configs uses the same key but points to the other config:
config 1: remap key 1 -> load config 2
config 2: remap key 1 -> load config 1

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

9 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-11 13:12:25)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

olivierarson wrote:

Yes I am aware, but I don't want to do that, my experience with ARC is not good and I don't need more clutter on my desk.

Well, you may have MIDI controller under the desk and use feet... That is pretty ergonomical. 

Beside that, the buttons have only certain count of presses to survive, even if they are super extra quality. I would not overuse buttons on pretty expensive HW. They are IMHO designed and intended for "normal" use, not for something like 100+ presses a day.

For example friend of mine has managed to damage the most used button even on ARC USB in few years. He presses it more than several thousands times a day....

10 (edited by ramses 2023-11-11 13:35:26)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

I know what you mean, but come on … Every power-on, -off and use shortens the lifetime of electronics, the best seems to be to not use it at all after purchase, so that nothing bad can happen. ;-)

Whether he really would use the knobs so often and IF something bad happened is only an assumption from your side.
And regarding you friend's case with the worn out knob … could also be a knob that was perhaps not so sturdy. This could be the typical thing, variances of industrial manufacturing. There is no evident that this would happen with all other knobs.

I would not overdo by generalizing single cases too much. Otherwise, you wouldn't go out of your house anymore, too much risk involved ;-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Speaker B is available as front button via TM FX. Or the ARC USB. That one is no comparison to the old ARC Remote, so I would re-think this decision. You will miss a lot without it.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-11 14:30:56)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Ramses, you are right that it is just my assumption. I do not know, how often would OP use the button.

But it is the reality that switch has only certain number of pusches guarantied before it starts fail. In the case of my friend it is button, not knob. If he presses it 1000+ (ten times a minute for few hours) times a day 300 days in a year, it makes 300 000+ presses in one year, one million presses in three years.

Guaratied longevity of most microswitches seems to be between 10 000 and 1 000 000. Friend of mine simply reached that limit.

Nobody blames RME for bad quality, we both understand that things like switches wear out by extensive using like this. And I expect that ARC was designed for an intensive use of buttons. 

I just wanted to express the warning that buttons do not live forever and it might be better, if intensive use is required, use external, way cheaper, controller than buttons on way more expensive device....

13 (edited by olivierarson 2023-11-11 16:56:07)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Thanks for all the replies!
I will never touch those buttons 1000 times a day, that's actually why I don't want to have an external controller for it wink

Regarding the ARC, I have the USB version and I really don't fancy it for multiple reasons (buttons are hard and produce a loud click, the yellow led have quite a bit of latency on my system, and most of all I don't dig the endless volume knob, I much prefer to see where visually my level is).

14 (edited by olivierarson 2023-11-14 09:41:55)

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

@MC, is there any chance Remap Keys could be available to UFX II?
I really don't need MADI and the III seems a bit overkill for me really.

Re: Mute/dim quick access on UFX

Hi, is there anyone that can confirm if Remap Keys works on the UFX II? As the design seem to be very similar to the III, I would assume it is, but it's an important feature for me and I would like to be sure before buying.
Thank you!