Topic: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

Hello Everyone,

Apologies for this gripe on Totalmix. 

RME- don't market a product as having TotalmixFX if it doesn't contain the FX part!!  JFC!!!!  It's super misleading to think that you're buying a product that contains effects, and then it doesn't have them.  And the Rep, Synthax in this case, has to explain oh yes, that one doesn't have any FX.

Come on're supposed to be the leader in this space.  This is something a bargain company out of someone's garage does to legitimize their products.  (I'm omitting the profanity here out of common decency)

Lastly, why doesn't EVERY RME device have an extra FPGA and unify the entire product line???  Just makes sense.  We would all be able to afford the extra $100 it would take to do that and then it wouldn't seem like you're being complete deceptive jerks as well.  Just a thought. 

Sorry everyone.  Just had to vent.  Maybe someone is actually listening, maybe not.


Scott Wilson

Re: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

Which product are you referring to? Products without onboard effects are mostly older ones (e.g. the Fireface UC from 2009, or HDSP cards). The current Digiface devices that don't support effects clearly mention that on the website ("The Digiface Series does not support DSP based effects (FX) like EQ or reverb"). Also, Totalmix FX is more than just the effects, compared to the older version....

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

scottlwilson wrote:

Lastly, why doesn't EVERY RME device have an extra FPGA and unify the entire product line???

Ummm... Perhaps, because "EVERY RME device" belongs to a different class and therefore has different features and purpose? Like, AD/DA converters are different from recording interfaces, and they both are different from standalone microphone preamps?

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A

Re: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

Did you not read the specs before buying? I would t dream of buying a device without fully knowing the features and if they match with what I want. When I bought the Babyface pro fs I knew it didn’t have a compressor and I knew the 2nd headphone output was the same as the first. Why if buying something expensive like this would you not check out the spec and double check. I also know the digiface has no effects because I also looked at that at the same time.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

unpluggged wrote:
scottlwilson wrote:

Lastly, why doesn't EVERY RME device have an extra FPGA and unify the entire product line???

Ummm... Perhaps, because "EVERY RME device" belongs to a different class and therefore has different features and purpose? Like, AD/DA converters are different from recording interfaces, and they both are different from standalone microphone preamps?

He refers to recording interfaces.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Totalmix vs TotalmixFX confusion

Hi Scott,

"TotalMix FX" is the name of the DSP mixer which is capable of handling FX if the hardware supports it.

On the product page you can see, whether a product
- supports TotalMix FX (applicable only for "recording interfaces")
- has an FX chip built-in

You can see this in two locations

1) the pictograms

2) in the product description like e.g. for the Digiface USB: "The analog output hosts channels 33/34, and can be used freely thanks to TotalMix FX, RME‘s routing and monitoring solution that knows nearly no limits in routing and mixing (the Digiface USB does not include FX).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10