Topic: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

Hello, I bought Babyface and 12Mic, but I am very often traveling internationally on grueling multi-city tours. My most common use case is 4-channel and it sucks to bring a full 1U box just for 2 extra channels. Can anyone recommend a better solution? I own Sound Devices MixPre but its headphone amp sucks. I am happy to spend money for SD 833 or Sonosax but haven't heard any comparison recordings. I'm happy enough with the sound from Babyface; just want 4-8 channels with more portability.


Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

UCX ll is probably a good candidate for you.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

UCX II has only two mic-pres. A version with four is not available.

4 (edited by ramses 2023-11-17 17:48:54)

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

Even two UCX would deliver only 4 Mic channels and then you have again 19" in total.

I fear only a 19" solution will deliver the amount of channels.

As you own already an 12Mic, the combination of UFX III and 12Mic would be ideal, connected through MADI.

If you need only 4 Mic channels, then you have everything in one box.
Excellent transparent mic preamps comparable / same as 12Mic.
DURec so that you can even record directly to a USB stick.
Two excellent headphone outputs. Autoset if required.

If you require more Mic channels, then connect the 12Mic to the UFX III through MADI.

Optional ARC USB, or TM FX on iPAD.

Sorry, currently no other idea.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by NoisyNarrowBandDevice 2023-11-18 22:30:51)

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

Interfaces with 4/6 mic pre's is a gap in the market. Focusrite 18i8 has four mic pre's in a small form factor but certainly a step down from what you have.

UFX III as Ramses suggests is expensive and 19" but a reasonable way to go. Espc given you already have 12Mic this is a very flexible combination with 16 mic channels total. If you ever need as many.

But if keeping it compact I can only think of a small 500 series chassis. There are a few two and three-slot variants which roughly are half-rack wide. You could get two good mic pre's and use the line-ins of the BFP + its internal pre's giving you four channels.

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

What’s your issue with the mix pre headphone outs? I never had any problem monitoring through those. Do you use very high impedance headphones for recording?

Sonosax (like the SX-R4+) is a different league of course- an excellent choice which will beat any RME solution in the field, not only in terms of portability, but of course at a cost.
Maybe you can also connect your 12 mic to it via AVB.
Otherwise theres also a compact 8 channel preamp by Sonosax (also with AVB option).

If you looking to make use of total mix for different monitor mixes etc. or generally don’t wanna spend the money for the Sonosax, you could get a UCX II and a QuadMic II which will give you 6 preamps in total at 2x half rack size.

7 (edited by Data 2023-11-19 08:20:59)

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

Check out the Zoom F8n Pro. 8 inputs / 4 outputs and records in 32-bit float. It's made to be used as a field recorder and can be used as an audio interface as well. Sorry RME :-)

UCX II, Quadmic II, ADI-2 DAC FS
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Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

Data wrote:

Check out the Zoom F8n Pro

The OP already has a Sound Devices MixPre. Sorry Zoom smile

9 (edited by Data 2023-11-19 15:16:17)

Re: Single portable box for recording 4-6 (maybe 8...) channels into DAW?

unpluggged wrote:
Data wrote:

Check out the Zoom F8n Pro

The OP already has a Sound Devices MixPre. Sorry Zoom smile

Ah, yes. Well, this product category is very specific and RME doesn't offer anything comparable. I would be interested in something like that as well, as it would mean needing only one device instead of two (UCX II + Quadmic II in my case).

UCX II, Quadmic II, ADI-2 DAC FS
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