Topic: UFX USB settings pop up window issue

Hello, hope you are well! Im Nik, and I'm using RME products for nearly 25 years now, grateful, thank you!

So, I have to start a bit from far, so I'm using this MacBook Pro 16” 2019 with last CATALINA update for my work and always with Babyface Pro. Since I was in need for more inputs and outputs I bought UCX. then really weird things happening to my usb 2.0 - type-c small adapter where UCX was plugged in. So in this adapter there is blue light that is glowing only when MacBook is working and now when computer was off light was still a bit lighten up in adapter like there's some electricity going and I'm sure this have something to do with UCX getting power from power supply (and it was turned off and still). nothing similar with Babyface Pro. more to say, it was not hosting when I was booting my MacBook like there was no electricity going so I had to turn in off and turn on while macOS was already booted and then it was finding UCX. and that was not the only weird thing going on.

So there are two things launching automatically each time you boot computer with RME: USB settings window and Total Mix, and they just blink once and go to background. so after installing UCX this USB Settings window was not going away on its own. each time Im booting Mac its stays and I have to close it manually.

I was discomfortable with these and decided that maybe its adapter or something and ordered UFX III to have Type-c interface without any adapters. and then I was back to Babyface Pro waiting for UFX III and you know what? USB Settings window was continuing to open and stay for manual closing. This was happening until I installed d2019 legacy driver.

So, UFX III came today and after installing all drivers it works but... This thing with USB Settings window.. on startup it comes out and not closing by itself.. I have to close it manually..

Question: please tell me if it’s related with what? does it have something to do with macOS or my type-c ports? Or its this Kernel thing? if my UFX III works correctly and its a system mistake? I don't understand if its ok or not or what to do..