Topic: UFX II/III behavior after main PC is powered off

Playing with the idea of setting up a surround sound system using UFX III. However, got a question that must be sorted out first.

Say, I have a Baby Face FS feeding 5.1/2 channels into the UFXIII

The UFXIII is controlled by PC1, Babyface FS controlled by PC2.

When both are on, UFX should be able to take the signal from PC2 and send them to Line outs without any issue.
but what happen if PC1 is off? The UFX is separately powered, so it should stay on, However, can it still receive signal from the BabyFace and process it to Lineout without switching to a different operational mode?

I know it will work as a standalone mixer if I set it to it. just wondering if it can continue to process signals without changing any settings after PC1 is off.



Re: UFX II/III behavior after main PC is powered off

Define 'process signals'. If it's not a simple ADAT In to Analog Out then it won't work.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Inno 2023-11-25 08:29:54)

Re: UFX II/III behavior after main PC is powered off

MC wrote:

Define 'process signals'. If it's not a simple ADAT In to Analog Out then it won't work.

What about adding built in EQ of UFX. Say ADAT in with a mild EQ that's built into the total mix, and Analog out?


Re: UFX II/III behavior after main PC is powered off

The UFX III has 6 setup memories that include FX. See manual...

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX II/III behavior after main PC is powered off

MC wrote:

The UFX III has 6 setup memories that include FX. See manual...

read through it again and found the section.

Originally just glance at it and didn't know exactly what it meant.

thank you very much for the support. that settles it, the system should work.

thank you.