Topic: Fireface UC not working properly with 250 Ohm Headphones


I have the Fireface UC and I am making music for a hobby and singing. I have the sennheiser mk4 and beyerdynamics 770 pro 250 ohms.

Now I have the issue when I am plugging in these high impedance headphones that I cannot properly track my singing. My gf tells me I sound horrible when I put on the headphones and very good when I put them off and just sang into the mic with no tracking at all. While I can drive the headphones for just listening to stuff, I cannot properly do voice monitoring.

Yesterday I sang with my sennheiser hd 58x 150 ohm and I could properly track myself and after judging my singing afterwards it sounded really professional and not much editing had to be done whilst I had spent hours fine-tuning on other occasions. This is because with the 250 ohms I cannot properly hear myself leading to strange vocal behaviour.

Now I perceived a "weird issue" or maybe not so weird for more experienced users:

I cannot turn up the monitoring of my headphones or the output on the master headphones loud enough to properly track my singing while having a reasonable amount of gain on my mic so the signal does not clip.
While I could hear my voice perfectly with the hd58x 150 ohms at a gain of 42 to 44 which is in the range where a good audio signal can be recorded I could not at all with the beyerdynamic 250 ohms. I either had to turn up the gain to an unreasonable amount of gain like 50 or 52 where my signal would be timewise distorted and not okay or turn up my monitoring which ruined the balance of the mix because I would hear myself louder than i sang and thus in the mix and afterwards it would sound terrible.

My question is:

Is there a way to power these headphones together with the fireface uc in a way so that you can easily monitor yourself and have a good singing experience or should I just take the 80 ohms of any brand. The way I could monitor myself with the sennheiser hd58x, I could hear all the details of my voice because it would take less power to drive them and I am stuck with this physical barrier.
Does this problem disappear with the fireface ucx2 because the uc is too old? I looked into this in several yt videos and blogs and it seems like the 80 ohm is the preferred way to monitor yourself also for drum players etc. I had bought the 250 ohms because I was captivated by the marketing promises which were made (highly detailled signal.)

Re: Fireface UC not working properly with 250 Ohm Headphones

Did you max out the faders in Total Mix? You could try going all the way up on In- and Output, adding +12 dB for the monitoring path while maintaining the Preamp level of your choice for recording.
If that's not enough you can achieve a higher level through software monitoring using your DAW, lower impedance headphones, an extra headphone amplifier, or a different interface (yes, the UCX2 should have some more juice on the headphone output + the ability to boost or compress the level for monitoring purposes through its Dynamics section).