Topic: UCX II locking power connection... It's supposed to release, right?

Brand-spankin' newbie to RME here. I unwrapped the package with UCX II after reading and watching about everything I could find. Inserted and twisted the locking power connector. I can't get it to unlock now.

It's supposed to be removable, right?

I assume that I've damaged the poor dear. Just checking here that that's probable.

Re: UCX II locking power connection... It's supposed to release, right?

You have to turn the plug to the right position and pull it out, it will not fall out, it's sticky.
Only at the correct position it will come out.
Try pull while turning

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II locking power connection... It's supposed to release, right?

Thank you! I have extricated the plug.

"It's sticky."
Understatement of the month. I'd twisted, tugged, rotated and cajoled to the point of worry that I'd break it, but you gave me the will, the fortitude and the strength to prevail.

Now back to fighting my way through TotalMix!


Re: UCX II locking power connection... It's supposed to release, right?

You have a sword, knight ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue