1 (edited by mike G 2023-12-20 06:01:37)

Topic: Total Mix routing question

Had two clarification questions on something

1st. In TotalMix there is a hardware/ software output for each input. Why is there no hardware output for the Inputs 1 and 2 by default? I know the master is hardware 1 & 2, but why is there no fader to control what might be pugged into the hardware input?

Second question relates to an external FX unit that comes in via SPDIF.
Why do the hardware output faders in TotalMix for external devices (such as FX units) need to be up in order to get input signal to the external unit? The reason I ask is: when I bring a guitar or Microphone into the UCX II, it automatically routes to outputs 1 & 2. I don't have to have any of the outputs up other than channels 1 & 2 which are up by default. But if I don't put the SPDIF  hardware output faders up, I get no sound / No input signal to the external FX unit. I don't have to do this for other devices I bring in, why?

Also note, I'm using an I/O plugin in Logic Pro to bus in my external FX unit. I would think that the I/O plugin would have been enough to get signal to the FX unit via software routing in Logic. But No, I still need to have the hardware SPDIF output fader up to get signal.

2 (edited by waedi 2023-12-20 09:35:27)

Re: Total Mix routing question

Totalmix is mainly a monitoring software.
The faders are controlling signal forwarding not incoming.
The input channels have a gain knob inside to adjust the input signal, but prior to the input you have to adjust the level on the instrument and the input settings inside the hardware input channels in Totalmix.
There is no output for every input the output channels are independent from input or playback channels.
The master (you probably mean the Main-Out) is to assign by you and can be every output listetd in the assign-menu.
In the case of Babyface where the analog outputs XLR are the outputs 1/2 there it is useful to assign  the main out there when the monitor speakers are connected to these XLRs.
Yes, you have to pull up faders to bring the sound out to the external FX that is normal and it comes from real analog mixing consoles where you have to use faders too.
Do you use a special mix setting ?
To my knowledge nothing is routed automatic to any output.
I always have to route myself.
And I want it that way for having total control.
There is a special mix setting you can select in Options / Operational mode / DAW mode
Read page 89 in the user manual.
The DAW-mode does things you just requested.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by mike G 2023-12-24 21:53:25)

Re: Total Mix routing question

Hello DAW Mastermind
Thanks for you're response.

I have to be clear though, I'm not totally clear on everything you are saying. My question is very difficult to explain. What I'm saying is: There is an I/O plugin option in Logic pro and it allows you to add in an external FX unit to a bus. What I'm not getting is, the I/O plugin is sending channel signal to the FX unit, so I don't see the need for the hardware output in Total mix to be raised up. But for some reason it needs to be raised up to get input to the external FX unit.

This is not my screenshot. In any case, In the I/O plugin, you set the input/out to the in/outs that the external unit is connected to, in my case 9/10 is the SPDIF.

https://dt7v1i9vyp3mf.cloudfront.net/st … hJ7B9A.jpg

Again, my question then becomes, why does the SPDIF hardware output in total Mix need to be up in order to get signal to the external unit? I would think the I/O plugin would be taking care of the routing to the FX unit that in logic.

4 (edited by ramses 2023-12-23 11:05:11)

Re: Total Mix routing question

TotalMix FX acts like a patch bay.
You have two audio sources
- from HW inputs (top row)
- from computer, SW playbacks (middle row).

The concept of TM FX in Full Mode is, that you can configure a routing for each of the HW Outputs individually.
This is the being performed easiest in the so called submix mode in these two easy steps:
1. select a HW Output like e.g. the output towards your monitors, headphones or like in this case towards the external FX.
2. raise the HW Input- (top row) or SW Playback-faders (middle row) as needed, which audio shall be sent to this selected HW Output aka submix.

If this is too hard for you, you could choose another operational mode, which is called DAW mode. Then the middle row vanishes, so the application writes now directly to the HW outputs. But then you have to do the routing in the DAW and audio flows have always to go to the computer over USB/FW/... and back with quite high latency depending on buffer sizes.

With TM FX in Full mode it acts like a patch bay, and you can route any audio from inputs or from the pc to any HW output as you like and for all applications on the PC.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

5 (edited by waedi 2023-12-23 13:30:01)

Re: Total Mix routing question

mike G wrote:

There is an I/O plugin option in Logic pro and it allows you to add in an external FX unit to a bus. What I'm not getting is, the I/O plugin is sending channel signal to the FX unit, so I don't see the need for the hardware output in Total mix to be raised up. But for some reason it needs to be raised up to get input to the external FX unit.

Again, my question then becomes, why does the SPDIF hardware output in total Mix need to be up in order to get signal to the external unit? I would think the I/O plugin would be doing taking care of the routing to the FX unit that in logic.

Wrong expectation.
That plugin is part of Logic Pro, not part of the audio interface.
The architecture of the audio interface is fix, you have to manage your routing according to the audio interface user manual.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by mike G 2023-12-24 22:01:42)

Re: Total Mix routing question

I get that the interface routing is the master routing from software, they are both separate.
I think where I was confused was.

The SPDIF HW out needs to be up to get signal into the external FX unit that comes in via SPDIF. But yet my guitar and mic pramp (which are also external) do Not. Why the spdif but not those other two?

What I'm saying. My external Mic pre amp is also an external device just like my FX unit. But yet the Mic pre does not need to have it's HW output up like the FX unit connected to SPDIF

7 (edited by waedi 2023-12-24 22:04:03)

Re: Total Mix routing question

Input signals are forwarded to the DAW regardless of faders in Totalmix. Only the input GAIN setting is important.
Big difference of input channels and output channels.
Your confusion will disappear soon as you work with the interface.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Total Mix routing question

Just see the output faders as if they wrere pots in the external cabling out of the interface....if they are down nothing goes out.

Matthias Carstens