Topic: Will a Digiface USB headphone output be powerful enough for my LCD-X?

Can anyone tell me if the headphone output of the Digiface USB is powerful enough for my headphones? I may be reading all the specs wrong, but the Digiface is 50mw at 2ohm and the LCD-X needs 100mw at 20ohm. I have no idea how to calculate this, or do the phms not matter.

2 (edited by waedi 2024-01-08 00:07:12)

Re: Will a Digiface USB headphone output be powerful enough for my LCD-X?

Is 100mW average power consumption or maximum power consumption ?
Is 20 Ohm the impeadance if the headphone ? That's pretty low, no problem for most cases.
The headphone probably loves to be powered from a more powerful headphone output than the Digiface USB.
You most likely can listen music nicely thru the Digiface but not ear blasting.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Will a Digiface USB headphone output be powerful enough for my LCD-X?

waedi wrote:

You most likely can listen music nicely thru the Digiface but not ear blasting.

That is what I can confirm using Sennheiser HD 600 (which have 300 Ohm).
For production/mixing I am sometimes missing some headroom on the Digiface's Phones Out, so I have to temporarily boost signals in the DAW.

The LCD-X has indeed only 20 Ohm though, so I suspect it should be loud enough.