1 (edited by m.chagneux 2024-01-21 17:11:11)

Topic: Impact of using the two headphone outs simultaneously on old Babyface

Hi all,

I own the original version of the Babyface (not the pro). I use outputs AN 1/2 for my studio monitors and outputs PH 3/4 for my headphones, but sometimes I unplug my headphones from the latter and connect a pair of Hi-Fi speakers instead. I just realized I could just plug the Hi-Fi amp to the extra headphone out that's on the breakout cable, so I don't have to unplug anything.

I know these outputs are linked so it's the same signal, but then is there an impact on quality from using them simulataneously ? In particular, if my Hi-Fi amp is off (standing by), does that affect the listening quality on my headphones (in another way than just reducing volume) ?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Impact of using the two headphone outs simultaneously on old Babyface

No impact, the signal remains in best quality, to my hobby understanding.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue