1 (edited by _Wolf_ 2024-02-10 00:25:08)

Topic: Fireface 802 as multichannel WDM device

Until now I have been using the Digiface USB as an interface for my spatial audio monitor setup, now I upgraded to the Fireface 802.

In the MADIface settings there has been the possibility to use the Digiface USB as a multichannel WDM device (unfortunately limited to 8 channels).
In the Fireface USB settings I'm missing this option completely, so for now outside of my DAW I can only use it as a Stereo WDM device.
Is there a way to use my Fireface 802 als a multichannel WDM device (supporting 8 or - preferabely up to 24 channels -> Analog 1-8 + ADAT 1-16)?

Re: Fireface 802 as multichannel WDM device

Set WDM to 15 stereo devices in the Fireface USB Settings app.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by _Wolf_ 2024-02-10 00:26:50)

Re: Fireface 802 as multichannel WDM device

I tried that but unfortunately this doesn't help at all unless I forgot a crucial step?
I need just one multichannel device (instead of loads of stereo devices), so I can play back at least 7.1 content, but hopefully spatial audio as well.

Re: Fireface 802 as multichannel WDM device

Ok, I found that MC already partly answered this in 2020: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=29427
You have to manually set the WDM device to 7.1 in the Windows sound settings.

Which seems to work for up to 8 channels, but not beyond that: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=36992

Does anybody know, if 24 channel WDM devices are possible?