Topic: babyface pb w11 drivers

I got an old babyface in perfect state that has always worked on pc and mac.

It is double plugged in usb, no cc mode.
I can see it in the material manager and the driver seems ok.

Though i cant see the babyface in the mixer part.

Anybody got an idea ?


Re: babyface pb w11 drivers

I tried both 1246 and 1249 drivers and flashed the babyface !

Re: babyface pb w11 drivers

With "mixer part" you mean Totalmix ?
Totalmix doesn't show a mixer ?
And how is the Fireface Settings Dialog ?
Is it opening ?

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: babyface pb w11 drivers

The mixer part is for me the windows mixer part where you choose your sounddevice

Totalmix show a mixer

fireface settings is opening

Re: babyface pb w11 drivers

Please check in the Fireface Settings Dialog if WDM device number is at least 1, not zero.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: babyface pb w11 drivers

I feel stupid
Thx smile