Topic: Babyface may be fried

Hi folks.  Happy Babyface user of more than a decade.  But on the weekend I was in Cubase and had a YouTube video playing at the same time and suddenly heard a "pop" sound and the audio stopped.  I saw a flash of what appeared to be inputs and outputs going away in Windows at the same time.

Bottom line is, this may be the end of my Babyface.  I tried uninstalling, reinstalling, different USB ports , updating FW, still no audio ports showing up in Control Panel.  I tried disconnecting the USB cable, uninstalling the software, shut down.  Restart and reinstall the software, then reconnect the Babyface, and no joy.

I'm running Windows 10.  The "RME Babyface" device shows up correctly in Device Manager, TotalMix installs correctly, and the lights are working on the Babyface.  But no audio ports showing up in Windows.  No output or input devices found.  Sp if there is a HW problem with the Babyface, it's not completely bricked, because the lights are still on.  I can even re-flash the firmware.

Does anyone have any ideas I can try?  Or should I admit defeat?

Re: Babyface may be fried

Can you open the RME settings app? If so, you have to set WDM devices at least to 1, not 0.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

3 (edited by guitarprogress 2024-03-12 18:31:15)

Re: Babyface may be fried

oli77sch wrote:

Can you open the RME settings app? If so, you have to set WDM devices at least to 1, not 0.

THANKS!  I had read something about this 0, 1 setting and was confused but you made it super clear.  I was seriously doubting that my super cool Babyface wasn't still recoverable. It's a rock solid beautiful device.  Now I can keep using it until I get enough cash to buy a newer RME.  Thanks again.  I appreciate it!!  smile

Re: Babyface may be fried

WDM strikes again!

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface may be fried

mkok wrote:

WDM strikes again!

Yes.  First time it's happened to me.  I bought the Babyface in the summer of 2014 so a solid 10 years without any issues.  The only recent change was installing the Cubase 13 demo.  Anyway, all is well now and thanks again folks.  WDM lesson learned.  wink