Topic: Limiter lookahead ?
Howdy RME & fellow fans
I came across this video, where a sales rep is talking some weird mumbo jumbo about 0.2 ms lookahead due to bandpass filters so in effect achieving analog lookahead on the limiters: … amp;t=5597
This vague explanation makes no sense and sounds more like how the politicians and slick salespeople glance over words to make a marketing point that is far from reality. It sounds like he is saying it introduces 0.2ms latency, which would be perfectly normal - soo how on earth does that magically translate to -0.2ms of latency ie active lookahead time ? As I understand it, they use the added latency to measure the lookahead for the analog limiter, which then in effect has the 0.2ms of time ie latency it takes for the conversion, to use as a fast and probably not very effective, but still "doing something, I presume" lookahead feature...
Could someone more technically and practically experiences please elaborate on the engineering and concept behind how this is being done, and are there any RME devices in the pipeline that can do something like that? I know some have auto-gain or auto-set, but that only goes one way unfortunately, so isn't ideal and also looks like the new RME devices have no limiters, only the old ADI-8 QS everything else is just DSP dynamics or nothing, which isn't ideal IMO (I like to have as much in one box as possible usually, save on outboard gear money maintenance etc. etc.) anyway just wanted to bringe this topic to attention and talk a little about RME and built in hardware limiters, potentially with lookahead for the next lineup ?!