Topic: Two Digiface USB keeps switching which is which

I have two Digiface USBs in my Windows 10 PC. When I power cycle the computer, it often changes which Device is 1 and which is 2  in Totalmix and MADIface series settings.

Is there anything I can do?

Re: Two Digiface USB keeps switching which is which

You can use "Sort ASIO Devices" in the driver settings (last page of the driver settings).

Audio AG Support

Re: Two Digiface USB keeps switching which is which

Total mix still switches though sadly.

Re: Two Digiface USB keeps switching which is which

IMHO it works so that they are ordered by production number. So, if you switch on the both, they should have pernament numbering. But if using just either one, it will get position 1.

Yes, it would be cool if one could force device to keep possition despite if they are switched on or off.

I have similar "problem" with FF UCX and FF 802. Their possition moves depending on being on or off.....