Topic: M-1610 Discontinued...What's Next?
Hi everyone,
First post here and I have been a long RME user that has switched back to using RME only setups. I have searched the forums and see that others have expressed their wants for either a M-1616 or M-16 Pro II AD and DA converter. Since this product is discontinued, i don't think there is any news on replacing it any time soon, but who knows. Most retailers I have searched and asked say that it is disconitnued and there are no more in stock. I am coming from an ancient Lynx based system and now have the UFX III as my base with the ADI-2 Pro FS for my monitoring. Was hoping to add the M-1610 but now that it is no longer with us and the M-32 is just too much i/o for my needs, what are you guys doing for extended i/o coverage? or are you waiting like I am for any future news?