Topic: Mute indicator

I sure would like to see my UFX III to display, even if it was only so tiny, that the MUTE is on.
The other day I muted the unit's main with totalmix and obviously I forgot about that the next day I turned it on. It was a good two minutes of: "have outputs gone already?" "Is it my speakers?", until I pulled up the totalmix and noticed the main on mute. It would definitely not hurt to have some sort of indicator for that on the unit's maybe when you guys issue another update...

Re: Mute indicator

Not sure what platform you are on, however, on Mac there's a cheap little app that displays heaps of info on a pop whenever you interact with Totalmix. The bonus, id that you can automate Mute groups amongst other things.
It's called Control Pilot.
I've been using this for a few years now and would be lost without it.

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1