Topic: Automatic talkback

Hi all
This might seem to be a weird intent – please bear with me.
I went through some threads with the topic of midi remote control of total mix. I wonder, if I could go one step further,:
Would it be possible somehow, to use the vocal microphone itself as a momentary trigger for the talkback function, so that it could be activated as soon as someone speaks into that microphone and deactivated when the talking stops …? That way I could activate talkback hands-free.
I am using UCXII on Mac.
Suggestions will highly be appreciated.

2 (edited by bsfreq 2024-06-21 13:44:16)

Re: Automatic talkback


Not directly with totalmix alone. You could use a plugin on your daw that converts audio level to midi CC. For example. … kMeterPro/
Depending on your daw, you may find lighter and cheaper options as well. For example, I believe I've seen something similar built on max for live..

I don't remember what command the blue cat plugin is able to send out. You might still have to use another midi app to convert the message to correct midi command for TMFX, and route that midi to TMFX midi in, of course.

Bome's midi translator can convert any midi messages to any other. It's a great tool, but not free.
With bome you could also build a simple timer that mutes the talkback after a small delay, when audio level drops under certain threshold.

Midi router apps you can find for free, in case you're not able to route midi from your daw directly to TMFX input..

There might be other ways to achieve what you're after, but these came to mind.

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: Automatic talkback

Hi and thanks for the suggestions. I have found related M4L plugins indeed and Bome seems to be interesting  as well. It‘s only …. I am not so experienced with midi and I think that I will easily get lost  smile)) Maybe I should try with a simple foot controller first. But I certainly would like to learn and go into it. Online midi tutorials don’t seem to go deep enough though – maybe you or someone could name reasonable resources? That would be great.

Re: Automatic talkback

I don't really remember reading any specific midi tutorials. Just lots of trial and error, and reading through device specific manuals.
Bome forum is a great place to get help regarding bome software. SteveC, one of the admins there is very helpful and can quickly and easily guide you through building a simple timer etc. Lots of great examples and downloadable Midi translator project files there:
Hexadecimal conversion table has come in handy too, at least on my use. You can find one on this pdf: … lector.pdf

If you're into M4L, OSC is one option as well. OSC is already supported by TMFX and global, more comprehensive OSC control support (Total control of Totalmix FX) seems to be around the corner as well! wink

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: Automatic talkback

Thanks bsfreq
I was looking around a bit and OSC seems really to be interesting – only that I know it even less than Midi.
I went through a bunch of Threads and it seems that I have to understand that TMFX is not really set up to be remote controlled easily. The discussions are advanced and go over my head. Would you mind or would someone mind to give me a hint just how to even begin? Maybe the easiest thing would be to set up a simple hardware foot switch to toggle the talkback function in total mix on and off. With that, I probably could work trial and error on my own : )

6 (edited by maggie33 2024-06-28 00:34:14)

Re: Automatic talkback

See Chapter 25.8.2 MIDI Page in your Manual:

In TM Settings set in MIDI Tab for ex. Controller1 your corresponding HW Controller's MIDI in/out ports.
Check Enable Mackie Protocol Support.
Dont forget to set the In Use checkbox.
Dont forget to Enable MIDI Control in Options Menu.

See chapter 28.2 Mapping in Manual:

...PLAY = Talkback...

That means the Mackie Play Button is for Talkback ON/Off. And as Mackie is based on general Midi...

See chapter 28.5 MIDI Control in manual:

The notes are (hex / decimal / keys):
Talkback: 5E / 94 / #A 6

That means, if you send a simple #A6 Note on Channel1 to Totalmix, its Talkback Button toggles with every Note.
Looks like this in my case in a MIDI Logger:

Ch 1 NoteOn   90 5E 7F [A#6 ( 94), 127]
“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Automatic talkback

We have the vocal booth mic set to duck the talkback mic. It is in our default voice template in Pro Tools. It works really well imho. Would be great if it could be a function in Totalmix.

8 (edited by Zsolt 2024-07-06 15:45:52)

Re: Automatic talkback

Thank you for your support.
I tried to set it up but unfortunately it does not work yet. Something must be missing.

Settings set in MIDI Tab for ex. Controller1 your corresponding HW Controller's MIDI in/out ports. Done
Check Enable Mackie Protocol Support.  Done
Dont forget to set the In Use checkbox. Done
Dont forget to Enable MIDI Control in Options Menu. Done

]The notes are (hex / decimal / keys):
Talkback: 5E / 94 / #A 6

=> everything is set, I am trying with a pirate midi Bridge8 foot controller,
The different possibilities of switch settings are toggle on, toggle off, press, release etc.

Set for exemple to

Note On - [Ch: 1] [Note: A#/Bb] [Octave: 6] [Velocity: 127]

my MIDI monitor shows

15:04:58.258    From Bridge6    Note On    1    A♯6    127

The talk back button of TM does not react.

By the way: ARC usb is attached at the same time, and it works fine although I did not set id in Mixer Settings.