1 (edited by crimsonnoise 2024-06-25 18:32:34)

Topic: RME ADI-8 QS + MADI to send different channels to AES and analog?


I tried to look at the RME ADI-8 QS manual and couldn't quite work out the following, when it's in its digital patch mode.

I'd like to send 16 channels of Madi to the ADI-8 QS. Then for the ADI-8 QS to output channels 1-8 on analog. Channels 9-16 on AES. Simultaneously.


HDSPe MADI fx, M-1620 Pro, M-1610 Pro, UFX Plus, UFX II, Babyface Pro fs

Re: RME ADI-8 QS + MADI to send different channels to AES and analog?

Yes, that is possible. But do you  have at least the Firmware 3.1 on the ADI-8 and do you have the i64 MADI card with the 2 LED's?

Audio AG Support

Re: RME ADI-8 QS + MADI to send different channels to AES and analog?

Thank you. I'm considering a used unit. Don't know about the firmware, but can it be upgraded if necessary?

It is a i64 Madi card. Picture:

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/893tljev … 9&dl=0

Don't know how visible the LEDs would be?

HDSPe MADI fx, M-1620 Pro, M-1610 Pro, UFX Plus, UFX II, Babyface Pro fs

Re: RME ADI-8 QS + MADI to send different channels to AES and analog?

The firmware can be upgraded. But you have an old MADI card in this picture with no LEDS on it. Then the patch mode is not possible.

Audio AG Support

Re: RME ADI-8 QS + MADI to send different channels to AES and analog?

Thank you for the heads-up.

HDSPe MADI fx, M-1620 Pro, M-1610 Pro, UFX Plus, UFX II, Babyface Pro fs