Topic: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

Since the latest version of ADI-2 DAC FS (the one based on ESS chip) has been out for a few years, is there any plan to release an updated version? For example, better headphone amp with more power?

Re: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

What's wrong with the current version? And if you really need even more power for your headphones (which I doubt very much), you can look at the ADI-2 Pro or ADI-2/4 Pro SE.

Don't confuse RME with some Chinese manufacturers who feel the urge to release one mediocre product after another on a monthly basis.

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A

3 (edited by ramses 2024-07-07 09:12:25)

Re: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

stom wrote:

Since the latest version of ADI-2 DAC FS (the one based on ESS chip) has been out for a few years, is there any plan to release an updated version? For example, better headphone amp with more power?

All models offer already much power.

ADI-2 DAC FS and ADI-2 Pro FS R BE have the same max. power unbalanced of 1.5 W per channel.
ADI-2 Pro FS R BE also offers balanced operation with a max. power of 2.9 W per channel.
ADI-2/4 Pro SE: offers a max. power of 2.1 W per channel unbalanced, 4 W per channel balanced.

Did you simply forget to enable "Hi-Power" or "Auto Rev Level" mode for the headphone output?

If there are still issues, please describe your setup / use case more in detail why you feel limited
and kindly answer the following questions:

What headphones do you use?
What are your power settings of the phones output? Lo-Power, Hi-Power or AUTO for Auto Ref Level?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

4 (edited by stom 2024-07-08 05:50:49)

Re: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

I think ADI-2 DAC FS is a pretty good device and I am planning to purchase one. I am just worried that if there is a new version several months later, then it will be a bummer to buy it today.

As for the headphone amp, I plan to use it for HD600, Hifiman’s Sundara and Arya Organic. I suppose HD600 and Sundara should be fine. But how about Arya Organic?

5 (edited by KaiS 2024-07-08 08:28:09)

Re: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

stom wrote:

… HD600 and Sundara should be fine. But how about Arya Organic?

ADI-2 can drive every headphone exist.

Ayra Organic: 16 Ohm, 94 dB/mW.
ADI-2 DAC: 1200 mW into 16 Ohm.
= 125 dB SPL.
More than you ever need if you want to keep your hearing intact.

6 (edited by ramses 2024-07-08 09:42:30)

Re: ADI-2 DAC FS new version?

stom wrote:

I think ADI-2 DAC FS is a pretty good device and I am planning to purchase one. I am just worried that if there is a new version several months later, then it will be a bummer to buy it today.

The concern is unfounded; RME devices typically have a long lifecycle of up to 20y or more. Some devices have received firmware and driver support for around 20 years.

Just look at how long the ADI-2 DAC and Pro have been around. Over the years, only a few minor details have changed in these devices. More significant changes occurred only in the following areas:
- FS Clock, but opinions suggest better measurements without audible changes or improvements.
- Remote control, nice to have, and by now all devices have a remote control.
- DAC chip, some products had to be redesigned due to chip shortages (factory fires, COVID-19 supply chain issues), but this did not lead to any degradation in the area of technical data or sound. Maybe minor differences in the area of D/A filter but very subtle and only in the area of single speed as you can read in this forum (KaiS checked this thoroughly).

Side note: we already had such "sound" discussions when we switched to FS clock and a newer AKM chip (from AK4490 to AK4493). Forum opinion: better measured values, but no audible improvements.
The DAC chip alone does not make the sound. There are plenty of cheap products that tempt you with a good DAC chip, but don't sound as good because of poor implementation of the "trappings".
Equally important is the analog stage behind it, which brings the DAC's output signal to line level, and the entire concept: board design, control of the DAC chip. I think you can leave it like that to illustrate the connections, even if I am not a designer of such products, but over time you do learn a lot.

Back to RME: if there have been firmware updates in recent years, all devices have benefited without exception, and even the ADI-2 Remote software can be used with every device.

And why should RME release new devices when the current ones work excellently? Even if they did, a new device wouldn't make the old one any worse. There won't be any "night-and-day" differences in sound anyway, maybe only in the area of D/A filter when comparing ESS vs AKM, but here only at single speed according to KaiS findings.

I think that there is no risk in buying.
Devices like the ADI-2 Pro FS R BE or even the ADI-2/4 Pro SE seem to fall way outside the price range anyway.
And if you ever wanted or needed to sell your RME device, you could expect to get 70-80% of the street price if you take good care of it. Due to the quality and exceptional long firmware/driver and software support of RME.

So where's the risk? I would say: go for it!

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10