Topic: Babyface MK1 external power supply

Hello people,

I have Babyface MK1 that disconnects and reconnects randomly when it's connected via active USB hub.
I suspected that this behaviour is because it doesn't get enough power.

So I added an external power supply 12V/2A with internal pin positive, but no change.
Tried 3 different power supplies, to make sure this wasn't the problem.

When I connect only the power supply, there is no LED ON, so I can't tell if the unit gets any power.

Therefore I wanted to ask Babyface MK1 owners: does your unit show any LED light when only external power supply is connected to the unit (without any USB cable)?

Thank you very much for your help.

2 (edited by waedi 2024-07-26 14:31:03)

Re: Babyface MK1 external power supply

No worry. The external power supply can't start the Babyface, only power thru USB can boot the unit. This is the architecture of it.
Did you also try different USB cables ? You should.
And read the Fireface Settings errors number, is it the same as the disconnects happened ?
Is the firmware updated and what driver version is in use ?

If I remeber correctly the user manual recommends to avoid any hub.
Is it working fine when connected to the computer directly ?

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface MK1 external power supply

Hi and thanks for the quick reply.

Truth is I haven't tried a different USB cable, but I will.

I don't know where can I read errors number, could you point me, please?
(please note that my interface is Babyface, and not Fireface, if that matters)

Firmware is v226 and driver is v407.

waedi wrote:

No worry. The external power supply can't start the Babyface, only power thru USB can boot the unit. This is the architecture of it.
Did you also try different USB cables ? You should.
And read the Fireface Settings errors number, is it the same as the disconnects happened ?
Is the firmware updated and what driver version is in use ?

If I remeber correctly the user manual recommends to avoid any hub.
Is it working fine when connected to the computer directly ?

Re: Babyface MK1 external power supply

Actual driver is 412 I would give it a try.

The Fireface Settings dialog is the driver settings, same for all interfaces, new Babyface Pro, old Babyface and all Firefaces etc.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface MK1 external power supply

I have updated the driver to the latest version and it didn't disconnect anymore during the last two hours, so it looks good so far.
Without the external power supply and with the same old USB cable connected via active USB hub.

I'll check the errors if it will happen again.

Thank you again for your valuable input and help.

waedi wrote:

Actual driver is 412 I would give it a try.

The Fireface Settings dialog is the driver settings, same for all interfaces, new Babyface Pro, old Babyface and all Firefaces etc.