Topic: Multiface 2 cannot get audio to Zoom

I have a Multiface 2 on Windows 10 Home. Windows Sound is using Output and Input devices ADAT (1-8) (RME Hammerfall DSP)
I'm assuming I need to change that to analog 1 & 2 for Zoom to see the Multiface but have not found how to do that. Other than that is works fine in Cubase. Anyone using this with Zoom?


Re: Multiface 2 cannot get audio to Zoom

Can it be that this application accepts audio only from AN1/2?
Then copy the submix from ADAT 1/2 to AN1/2 and enable loopback there.
This is one of a few FAQs .. use forum search and search for zoom.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: Multiface 2 cannot get audio to Zoom

You use a current driver like 4.48? Then use the WDM configure option in the settings dialog to change the WDM devices aka channels that Windows shows in its Sound Control panel. As you onlly see ADAT WDM configuration is worng.

The Multiface manual is no longer updated, but there is a general manual that explains the 4.x series driver features for the old devices:

English: … er_4_e.pdf

German: … er_4_d.pdf

Matthias Carstens