Reading the OSC implementation chart, MC pointed to, should help.
I am reading this.
Sheet none paged:
Either „/setOffsetInBank x“ or „/setBankStart x“ should be relevant for this. Depends what you mean with „track1/track2“
I meant faders counting from 1 on the TM hardware output.
(which bus, submix, and relative offset from your current channel).
what is my current channel? How is this set? No mention anywhere I can see.
Tip: Use the „Toggle Log“ Option in TouchOsc to see what is sent/received for debugging.
Thanks that's helpful
Received value selects a channel directly for page 2, in page 1 the channel becomes the first channel of the bank (if not limited by channel number); Numbering starting at 0 for single channels, stereo channels selected by left channel number; only valid and remote-enabled channels are recognised
That doesn't make any sense to me. I think it's above my ability.
The examples from totalmixOSC and ipadOSC are all in pages and I can't find where the actual coding is. All baffling to a newcomer.