Although the ADI-8 Pro has been released 10 years before the UC (1999 vs 2009) the technical data of the ADI-8 Pro are better. By this, I make no claim regarding better sound, I only want to mention it.
ADI-8 Pro has no SteadyClock. SteadyClock was introduced with FF800 in 2004 if I am not mistaken.
ADI-8 Pro's manual mentions "Bitclock PLL". From the description, it seems to perform a few tasks of SteadyClock, but it sounds to me as if SteadyClock would do a bit more, e.g. jitter suppression (of > 30 dB).
So it ** might ** be better to use ADI-8 Pro as clock master to use its internal clock to reach the documented specs and to configure the UC as the clock slave, where SteadyClock can additionally perform jitter dampening.
Both devices have Low Jitter Design where the UC seems to be slightly better in terms of Word Clock (maybe due to SteadyClock design).
ADI-8 Pro:
- Super Low Jitter Design: < 4 ns word clock PLL, < 1 ns ADAT PLL, < 1 ns internal
- Internal sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
- Supported sample rates through word clock in: 27 kHz - 57 kHz
- Internal resolution: 24 bit
- Outputs: ADAT optical (24 bit), TDIF-1 (24 bit), word clock
- Inputs: ADAT optical (24 bit), TDIF-1 (24 bit), word clock
- Supported sample rates through ADAT In: 33 kHz - 57 kHz
- Clocks: Internal, ADAT In, SPDIF In, word clock in
- Low Jitter Design: < 1 ns in PLL mode, all inputs
- Internal clock: 800 ps Jitter, Random Spread Spectrum
- Jitter suppression of external clocks: > 30 dB (2.4 kHz)
- Effective clock jitter influence on AD and DA conversion: near zero
- PLL ensures zero dropout, even at more than 100 ns jitter
- Digital Bitclock PLL for trouble-free varispeed ADAT operation
- Supported sample rates: 28 kHz up to 200 kHz
On the other hand, it could be an advantage to let the UC be the clock master from a handling perspective.
If you should often work with different sample rates (44.1, 48 kHz) then you only need to set the sample rate in the DAW
project. The UC as clock master would learn it from the driver, and the ADI-8 Pro could learn it automatically as slave from its ADAT input.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10