1 (edited by ramses 2024-10-14 14:54:04)

Topic: Purpose of config file: rme.totalmix.default

I am currently documenting my setup, also config files and their purpose.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xgrdhj9a … 1&dl=1

Question: for what purpose is the file C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Local\TotalMixFX\rme.totalmix.default?

In the UFX III manual, I found no information about it.

It contains the following XML structures

Could you kindly tell me, what the purpose of rme.totalmix.default is and by what action it is written?

Many thanks.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: Purpose of config file: rme.totalmix.default


only, what i personally found out. - so no guarantee.
And i can only tell what i got on a mac about this (but should be similar to win):

afaik, the rme.totalmix.default.xml can be used to predefine the params before a unit is plugged in for the first time to a pc/mac. and before TM is started for the first time.

As an example to demonstrate, you could try this (would be interesting for me, too if it its exactly the same on win):
- close TM (really exit it in the taskbar)
- backup the whole directory C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Local\TotalMixFX anywhere
- delete all files in this directory
- just create one simple file, named rme.totalmix.default.xml with this content:

            <val e="WinPos.left" v="0"/>
            <val e="WinPos.top" v="0"/>
            <val e="WinPos.right" v="269"/>
            <val e="WinPos.bottom" v="1042"/>
            <val e="ScaleType" v="1"/>
            <val e="FuncType" v="0"/>
            <val e="ShowFX" v="1"/>
            <val e="HideControlStrip" v="1"/>
            <val e="CloseControlRoom" v="1"/>
            <val e="DeviceName" v="Fireface UFX III (YOUR-8-DIGIT-SERIAL-ABBREVATION)"/>

- open TM
- you should see a minimal/odd window with just the FX shown, without Control strip
- scale the window, make any settings (like showing the strip, etc...)
- close TM completly again
- you should notice that now, some more files are created
- including last.FirefaceUFXIII1.xml (btw: this seems differ to macs - on mac its:  last.FirefaceUFXIIIYOUR-8-DIGIT-SERIAL-ABBREVATION.xml
- from now on, TM takes always the settings from last.FirefaceUFXIII1.xml (on win) and ignores rme.totalmix.default.xml. so you can close/open TM again and your last settings are kept...

=> My Final thoughts (again no guarantee - just putting things together):
The rme.totalmix.default.xml seems to be useful, in a scenario like a studio for rent f. ex...
Imagine, the studio offers one/or more unit/s + pc/mac for customers.
After a customer has finished his session, the pc/mac ist set up from a fresh image, which just contains this file in its C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Local\TotalMixFX dir. so the next customer has a fresh environment, with default routings (to DAWs/MixingConsoles), settings, windows positions on several monitors, etc...
-> And this file can be also expanded by adding <Default1...>... and so on. for even more than one RME unit, too...

i already tried, too document all possible params in the configs - but i did not find a generic/logic sheme to cover all units and all unique params (and all files/filetypes).

Would be nice to know if you could confirm, that on win the sheme is similar, or if i am wrong with sth...

hope it helps a little.

regards, meg

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

3 (edited by ramses 2024-10-14 22:04:46)

Re: Purpose of config file: rme.totalmix.default

Thanks, maggie.

Yes, you can predefine settings with it, just checked.

But I know now, from where the content in the file came.
It was "Offline Device Setup" mode when I tried this mode with a MADIface XT.

I remembered it when looking again into the file and found this...
        <val e="DeviceName" v="MADIface XT (1)"/>

I never had an XT, so it is clear now from where it came ;-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: Purpose of config file: rme.totalmix.default

can confirm:
If i delete the file, and then open TM, then i create a new offline device... after closing TM, it creates a new one with the corresponding offline devices"default" content...
But after reopening TM, altering some settings in the offline device, then closing -> only the last.OFFLINEDEVICE12345678.xml is altered. While the rme.totalmix.default.xml is untouched...

so, seems that the file can be used for predefined settings for real units and it is used for offline devices, too...
can you copy that?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard