Topic: How toggle mute input to Mac OS applications (Babyface Pro FS)?
Current situation:
Using TotalMix in full mode with a Babyface Pro FS on a Mac.
When I'm using software like Zoom and Discord, I'd like to be able to toggle the DIM button on the interface that mutes the audio input to the software. When the DIM button is pressed again, I'd like the unmute input to the software. Basically, I'm looking for an input global mute.
What I've tried:
The closest I've found is to Assign the Control Room Main channel settings to Loopback, and store that as a Snapshot (e.g. Mix 8). Then assign the Dim button to "Load" "Snapshot 8". This works in that it mutes audio input to the OS, but it's a one-way setting; I can only load that snapshot; there's no toggle for snapshot mappings.
Am I missing something easy, or is there some other way to enable a toggle input mute feature to the OS/application? Thanks.