Topic: 12Mic Bug

Situation for replication:
1. 12Mic Connected with primary and secondary ports to two different AVB switches.
2. Primary port with static IP.
3. Secondary port on DHCP (but gets same subnet IP as in primary network).
4. No connection on L1/L2 level between Primary and Secondary networks.
5. AVB stream connected on both networks as redundant MILAN stream.
6. Firmware:

If primary network cable disconnected, MILAN works as expected, no audio interruptions, seamless failover to secondary network. But when primary connection is restored, IP connectivity does not come back. It is possible to manipulate connections from ATDEC (HIVE), but ping and website does not work, no L3 services. Tried disconnecting secondary port, but did not help. L3 restored only after device restart (soft, via front panel).

Re: 12Mic Bug

Hi ak23,
thank you for the report. We'll have a look into this.