Topic: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

I can still open the settings dialog, but Sequoia (Magix, not Apple) does not find the driver anymore. I got a warning though after the update, but did not remember it.

Reinstalling now.


Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

OK, I deinstalled the Windows update 24H2 again, the message keeps popping up, I reinstalled the RME driver driver_pciefx_win_226 again, now it works again, although the error message still keeps popping up at restarting windows.

Wating for a fix, in the meantime my advice to not install this Windows update.


4 (edited by ramses 2024-12-06 09:59:04)

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

Then you talk about Windows 11 ?!
Well I read somewhere that Windows 11 24H2 still has a few issues in different areas.
Maybe you updated too early?
Curious what other people say .. I personally won't change from 10 to 11.
If your hardware does not need 11 I would still recommend to use 10 and then later buy the extended support.
But tread this please as an "out of gut" recommendation from me, reading and correlating this and that.
I had a test drive of Win11 a year ago and a few month ago, there is nothing which I really need.
The new EULA, forced to use online accounts, TMP and (performance sucking) VBS is nothing of interest.
I needed Rufus to get this installed, because Win11 VBS spoils so much performance, that my performant Intel Xeon 8-Core CPU can not run Windows 11. This is so crappy ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

Yes. Win11.


Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

AsIO.sys is not part of ANY RME driver. Google for it...

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

OK thanks, then it was something different


Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

It was: AsIO.sys is a virtual driver associated to Asus PC Probe. Took me 3 seconds to find that info.

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by georgob 2024-12-09 15:47:31)

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

Well not quite solved.
Since that update 24H2 I cannot use my Hdspe Madi FX anymore to play from e.g. VLC. The WDM Device I create in the hdspe settings are not accessible anymore from any program. They show up as WDM Devices in Windows, but Totalmix does not get any signal and VLC crashes as soon as I choose that driver.

Normal ASIO operation works (Sequoia, Madi ASIO driver)

Deinstalling the updates did not change anything unfortunately. Reinstalling the RME driver several times as well.

Any thoughts?

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

It was this setting (Gerätestandardeffekte) that got activated after the update:

Setting it to off solved it now. So maybe it is interesting fo RME Dev after all to know that this setting can cause problems and crashes.

Nothing to do with the ASIO.sys.




Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

It is not astonishing that this crappy feature causes havoc. On the other hand it is, and makes me wonder how many WDM devices you activated. With a sensible number (like 6 stereo) I don't expect an issue. Also - obviously - most HDSPe MADI FX users don't use WDM at all, maybe that's why we never heard of that before.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

I have 2 stereo WDM Devices activated. 13+14 and 61+62.
Maybe together with me switching samplerates quite often right now between 48 and 96 this contributes to the problem.

I use the WDM feature only to be able to listen to mp3s and VLC and some other normal Internet stuff.


Re: [Solved] Windows update 24H2 deactivates Hdspe Madi FX driver

The stereo device 61+62 will vanish in 96 and 192 kHz...

Matthias Carstens